"Unfinished Echoes: A Farewell to the Unwritten"

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In realms where demons lurk and shadows whisper, 
Heroes brave and bonds grow crisper. 

Sonic's dreams held secrets deep, 
While North's love for him did seep. 

Winner's magic failed, but courage stood tall, 
Babe's struggles, Charlie's call. 

Jeff's unknown powers, Way's mysterious chants, 
Kenta's shadows, like eerie dance. 

Pete's leadership, Alan's might, 
Kim and Dean, in the dimming light. 

As memories fade, and tales untold, 
An epic journey, left in the fold. 

Though the story's end remains unseen, 
Its essence lingers, in moments serene. 

So let the heart remember, the journey's grace, 
As we bid adieu, to this sacred place. 

Though the tale may end, the memories stay, 
In hearts and minds, forever they'll sway.

For every character, every plot twist, 
In the reader's soul, forever exists. 

And though the writer bids farewell, 
The story lives on, in each retell. 

So here's to the journey, though it may be done, 
Its echoes linger, like the setting sun.


Dear Sweet pumpkins❤️,

This poem is a tribute to the story we embarked on together, a tale of courage, friendship, and the mysteries of the unknown. As I reflect on the journey we shared, I must humbly admit that I cannot see it through to its conclusion.

I ask for your forgiveness for leaving you in the midst of the adventure, for the characters and their tales deserved a proper ending. It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to this story, knowing that it will forever remain unfinished.

I trust that each of you will continue to seek out new stories and adventures, exploring the realms of imagination and creativity. May you find joy and inspiration in the tales that lie ahead, including those written by the talented author who will carry on this account.

With gratitude for your readership and understanding,

Anonymous donor 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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