Chapter ten

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I realised this wasn't right and I got up and wiped my eyes, "what are you doing?" I put my shoes on, "Rizwan, I need to go home. My brother is waiting for me." He got up behind me and I turned to see him looking pissed, "what?" He scoffed, "you keep calling me that." I didn't know what to say, "bro you don't under..." he walked away to the Stairs and once he reached the top he said, "shut the door on your way out."

I didn't know how I was going to get home but I walked outside and stood on the pavement. I decided to order an Uber back home, after twenty minutes the Uber arrived, "for Zara?" He nodded and I got in. There was something suspicious about the driver, he kept staring at me and looking back at me but I decided to ignore it. After ten minutes he stopped outside my house, "thank you." He nodded and as soon as I closed he zoomed away.

'Well that was weird.' I walked to the door and unlocked it to see Jamal asleep on the sofa. I walked to my room and closed the door. I threw my stuff on my desk and kicked off my shoes, I felt so tired. I jumped in bed and went to sleep. I woke up in the morning and it and it was half nine and I heard Jamal in the kitchen, maybe he let me sleep in. I got up and went to the kitchen, "did you turn my alarm off?" He nodded and walked into the living room.

I made some cereal and sat next to him, "why didn't you go to work?" He ignored me and put on the tv, "hello?" He sighed, "Zara I need to talk to you." It sounded like he was dreading what he was about to say, "what?" He paused the tv, "your going back to live with Riz." I was so confused, "Wait what, have you gone mad I'm staying here with you, we need to find our brother." He shook his head, "I'm going to find him, and it's not safe for you. If your with me you could get hurt, with Riz you'll be protected." I ran into my room and locked the door.

I forced my self to sleep. I had a really weird dream, that dad came to the house and he kidnapped me. I woke up screaming and I realised I wasn't at home and I was at Rizwan's house. I heard the door open and it was Zac, "are you okay?" I nodded, "why am I here? When did I get here?" He was about to speak when another person entered the room, it was him, "you can go Zac." Zac nodded and walked out. Riz kneeled in-front of my bed, "are you okay?" I moved back, "did you blackmail my brother? So you could get me here?" He shook his head, "no that's not the situation." He said trying to hold my hand and I moved my hand, "really because my brother wouldn't tell me go to live with someone he doesn't know." He got up, "Jamal asked me to take you, you think I'd listen if you weren't involved, you got hurt and he didn't do anything."

I didn't know what to say so I went under the covers and he spoke for a last time before leaving, "if you have another nightmare, I'm taking you to my room." And he walked out. I lay under the covers so still I thought I was still asleep. I shut my eyes tightly and hoping this was a dream but it wasn't. From four am I stayed awake, staring into the plain ceiling. At around half eight, Zaid came in "boss told me to get you for breakfast." I nodded and put a hoodie on, then went downstairs.

There was everything you'd have for breakfast on the table and when zaid asked me what I wanted I said, "cereal please." Riz made an annoyed face at me but still told The chef to get it. "I have work till two, and then we're going out with my brother so be ready but half one. Okay?" I didn't say anything and just looked at him, me, Zac, Zaid, and Riz were all eating. While the boys spoke about business I sat on my phone not bothered what they were talking about.

"Rizwan, what's going on with my brother? Has he found my dad." He ignored me and continued talking about business. Once I had finished my food I got up and put my shoes on. I looked at all the keys that were hung up on the wall and took Rizwan's black Mercedes G wagon. He got up and followed me to his car and sat in the passengers seat. "What are you doing Zara?" I smirked, "I'm going out, why are you following me? Don't you have work?" He scoffed, "you think I'm going to let you leave with my car and without one of the boys, no way." But still he didn't leave.

I started the car and drove out the driveway, he took his phone out of his trouser pocket and called Zaid, "Zaid, cancel all my meetings, business calls, and our plan to see Musa today." I heard Zaid agree and he hung up. "So what are we doing babe?" He was getting on my nerves so I decided we were going to take a trip to Manchester. When I got on the motorway he didn't even question it, "fine don't tell me I'm going to sleep." I rolled my eyes and drove for a few hours till I got tired and stopped at a service station.

Rizwan was still asleep so I left him, he looked cute while he was asleep. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went inside. I got some snacks and drinks and some other things. When I came back outside I saw Rizwan sitting in the drivers seat. I stood in front of the door and said, "get out." He shook his head. "Fine You stay here I'm going." He started the car and I walked around to the passengers seat and never said a word.

We had three hours left and we hit a big area of traffic, "gimme a drink." He said I ignored him and he asked again and I continued to ignore him, he picked up the bag and took it out himself. "So your ignoring me because I'm driving." I pretended to sleep. Riz looked over at me and kissed me on the lips and since I was pretending to sleep I couldn't move but I could taste him and I couldn't control myself. He pulled away smirking, "I knew you weren't sleeping."...

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