Chapter fourteen

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I hated being home and not doing anything, I was bored. So I decided to bake with Zac. Well he didn't bake more like just sat waiting for the brownies I made.

"So should I add extra chocolate or drizzle melted chocolate on the top." Zac thought about it and finally after five minutes of debating which one, "why don't you do both?" I smirked, I loved chocolate. "Both it is."

After drizzling the chocolate All over the brownies, I cut two pieces one for me and one for Zac. We sat enjoying our brownies when the door opened, it was Zaid, "boss is home and he's pissed so just let him cool off... what is that amazing smell?" I smiled "I made brownies, want one?"

He hesitated, "I probably shouldn't..." then he slapped Zac on the head, "and neither should you, but the smell is mouthwatering." I cut a piece for Zaid and his face lit up, "wow if you made those, I wonder what your cooking tastes like."

That comment got me thinking, maybe Riz didn't want me to go back to school. Maybe he wanted me to be an at home wife. But we're not married... I stopped myself overthinking and went back to talking to the boys.

"So what happened, why is he so pissed?" Zaid cleared his throat, "Moltov challenged him to a boxing match and whoever wins has to completely leave the mafia and all their assets will be left to the victorious, and he also gets you..."

My jaw dropped, "what do you mean he gets me..." Zaid spoke with a worried tone, "Moltov gave Boss one condition he had to agree to otherwise he wouldn't do the match and Riz needs him gone for good because the moltov's are one of our biggest rivals, and the condition was if moltov won he got you aswell as all of bosses assets."

I didn't know what to say, "He's going to win, i know he will." The boys nodded and I walked out upstairs when I heard banging like someone was smashing the room with a bulldozer. I walked down the never ending hall way and I came across the training room.

I saw Riz in shorts with his bloody knuckles hitting the bag and he wasn't stopping. I ran into the room and pulled him away from the bag, I held his arms in mine and looked in his eyes, "what are you doing Rizwan, your going to hurt yourself more than you already have."

He rested his head on my shoulder, "Stop calling me that." I gave him a hug and sat him down on the bench press, he leaned back  and I kneeled down to examine his hands. "Why are you so angry? I know your going to win." He looked at me confused, "how do you know about the match?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm your girlfriend I'm supposed to know these things... but Zaid also told me." He was breathing so heavily and he was calming down, "Dickhead." I shushed him and just looked at him, "what now?" I sighed and got up to walk out.

"Where are you going? come back." I turned around and he spoke words I didn't expect. "Marry me." I froze and after a few seconds I left to his room. I sat down and I knew it he wanted me to be a stay at home wife and I didn't want that.

I looked around his room for his keys and saw them on his bedside table. I took them and went for a aimless drive until I ended up at the beach. I sat near the ocean to hear the waves and it was soothing.

I did feel bad for leaving him unanswered but I needed time to myself for right now, I let my head roll back for a second when I saw a man standing behind me. I turned around and it was Alex... Alex moltov.

"Hi darling long time no see?" I got up and I was confused, "what are you doing here? Did you follow me or something?" He looked me up and down and smiled, "so I'm guessing you know about the fight?" I rolled my eyes and sat back down admiring the ocean again.

Alex sat next to me and we were both just looking at what was in front of us in silence and it was nice for a moment because before me and Alex had our 'thing' if you can even call it that, we used to be good friends.

"So you think he's going to win?" I give him a face of disgust, "of course he is, I trust him." He nods "fair enough." And just as I thought things had calmed down I heard footsteps behind me...

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