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"No, Mr. Purple Heart! You can't leave. Stay with me. Don't go today, Please!" Soobin pleaded desperately as Jin sighed, watching the boy toss and turn on the bed.

Jin had mentioned he has to leave after dinner, making Soobin to continuously express his reluctance for the purple haired to not leave. Soobin's insistence on Jin staying and sleeping over reflected his attachment to him. Jungkook, observing his son's antics, found them endearing, secretly hoping Jin would stay a bit longer.

"Calm down, Soobinnie," Jin urged, sitting at the edge of the bed, trying to soothe the restless boy who might end up with a headache from all the rolling.

"I don't want you to go!" Soobin exclaimed, turning to face Jin with pleading eyes.

Jin let out a tired but amused sigh, understanding Soobin's reluctance.
"Binnie. I need to go home. It's getting late."

"But it's so much fun when you stay over. I want to have a sleepover with you," Soobin pouted, his innocence tugging at Jin's heartstrings. "We can play games and tell stories all night."

Jin chuckled softly, patting Soobin's hair affectionately. "As much as I'd love that, binnie, I have to go. My friends are worried about me, and I have homework to finish. But we can always plan another sleepover soon."

"But when? You never stay for the night," Soobin pouted sadly, his disappointment visible.

"I will, maybe next time. I promise I'll stay for the night," Jin reassured him, his voice soft and comforting. Soobin let out an exaggerated groan, flopping back onto the bed dramatically. "Fine," he mumbled, pretending to sulk. "But on one condition."

"And what is it?"

"Read me a bedtime story, then take a driver to drop you."

"Again?" Jin chuckled, raising an eyebrow in amusement. He remember last time Soobin made him go with a driver and he didn't expect the kid to do the same again.

"Of course, yes! What if you get lost, Purple Heart?" Soobin's eyes widened with genuine concern as he clutched a pillow tightly.
"It's too dark outside, and it's late. It's not safe. What if someone kidnaps you and makes you stay with them, too? What if they make you cook for them, too? No, I don't want that. I don't want you to cook for anyone other than me. I already got Dad to eat your cooking, but no one else, okay?"

"Hey, you little rascal!" Jungkook interjected, his eyebrows shooting up in mock shock at his son's dramatic scenario. Despite his words, he couldn't hide the smile that tugged at his lips, admiring Soobin's earnestness to keep Jin stay which Jungkook also silently wished for.

Meanwhile, Jin stifled a giggle at the exchange between father and son. He couldn't help but feel touched by Soobin's protectiveness. Soobin never failed to amaze him with his words and affections.

"Thank you for worrying so much about me, binnie. But I have to go before it gets any later," Jin explained gently.

"Then... Take Dad to drop you," Soobin demanded, surprising Jin. Jungkook, standing tall nearby, immediately agreed, saying, "Okay. I will drop you, Purple Hair."

Jungkook's smile sent a shiver down Jin's spine. He felt embarrassed and didn't want to have any more moments alone with Jungkook, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Having no other choice but to listen to Soobin's demands, Jin agreed, saying, "Okay. He can drop me off. Now you can stay worry-free." Jin smiled, trying to reassure Soobin.

"Yippee! Now, read me a story," Soobin exclaimed excitedly.

Jin smiled warmly, gently guiding Soobin to lay down and reaching over to tuck the blankets around him. "Okay, let's see which storybook you want me to read."

Mr. Purple Heart - KookJin ffWhere stories live. Discover now