Chapter Eight

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You are angry at Percy that you ignore him as you head to Santa Monica, so he can meet his father.

"What happened between you two?"

Grover asks noticing the tension.

"We kissed" Percy replies with a smile.

Annabeth's mouth drops while Grover's eyes widen in shock.

"And why is (Y/n) angry?"

You stop and turn around to face all three of them with clutched fists.

"Because I do not love him"

"How can you not love me? you literally saved me from falling"

Percy's sentence makes you more angry.

"That is what friends do...I don't even like you"

"Then who do you like?"

The first person that comes to your mind is 'Luke' but you don't dare to voice that.

The son of Hermes is just responsible, smart, kind, and treats you in a warm manner.

He even made a promise to protect you while showing you around the camp.

And Luke only thinks of you as a younger sister, so your crush will just stay your crush or fade away with time.

"No one" you lie.

"You are lying who is your crush. Speak" Percy demands, narrowing his eyes.

"If I have one, what will you do about him?" you ask in a challenging way.

"I would get rid of him"



Annabeth and Grover are surprised, but you don't seem to be bothered by it.

"You can't harm because you respect him"

Percy still doesn't figure who you are speaking about.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of the motorcycle engine

"A car"

"That's not a car, it's a bike. Just let it pass. Come on." The Satyr corrects his friend.

You four get out of the road and hide so the rider of the motorcycle doesn't see you four.

Percy seems to want to continue the conversation but you turn to Annabeth when you notice her tension.

"Is there something wrong, you have been acting weird, Annie?" you ask, using the nickname you decided to give her.

"I saw the Fates. Back at the Arch, I saw the Three Fates, and I saw Atropos cut a piece of thread." Annabeth admits.

"And that's bad or...?" Percy trails off in confusion.

"The Fates weave the life strand of every living thing. When you see a string cut-- It means one of us is going to die."

"We're all gonna die eventually."

Percy's stupidity is on another level, but you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Soon. It's a warning. An omen."

"Okay. Guys, we need to talk about this whole fate thing. Three old ladies with a ball of yarn can't know what's gonna happen. What I choose to do changes what's gonna happen, and I can choose to do anything I... want."

Percy stops when he realizes that the sound of the motorcycle engine stops.

You all look up from your hiding place to see the biker whose eyes land on you which made you curious, feeling like you saw him before.

"Need some help?" the stranger asks.

"Beg pardon?"

"I asked if you could use some help."

Grover rejects the offer quickly and warily

"Nope. No. We're-- We're good. Appreciate you asking, though."

"You don't seem too good."

Annabeth spats out sternly.

"We don't want anything from you."

"You sure? Because you guys are so behind schedule. I mean, summer solstice is just a few days away. And as much as I'd love to see a good war pop off, as your big cousin, I feel like, maybe, I wanna give you a hand."


"You are Ares"

You freeze when you hear the name of your grandfather.

The same one who gifted you the dagger.

"You must be Athena's kid. Always gotta be the wisest one in the bunch." Ares sneers.

"Why would you help us?"

"How do you even know about what we're doing out here?"

Ares rolls his eyes, annoyed with Percy and Annabeth's questions.

"Because I'm doing exactly the same thing as you. Zeus sent all of his kids out looking for the master bolt, too." the god of war explains.

"Listen, dummies. I'm hungry. There's a halfway decent diner up the road. If you want my help, you'll meet me there. But don't dawdle."

Before Ares starts the engines, he signs for you to ride behind him.

"You, get on, I won't allow you to walk on your feet"

"Thanks" you exclaim cheerfully.

"You are seriously going to ride with him?" you shrug at Percy.

"Sure, he is my grandfather after all"

With that, Ares smirks, giving you his helmet as you ride behind him on the motorcycle, wrapping your hands around his torso.


"So you follow me on TikTok?"

"Yes, sure most of your content is boring but I like to attack your haters"

"So, you are Athenashater202"

"Yep, look kid, you should dull it down on your videos, do you know the amount of people I had to get rid of for making sexual comments about you?"

"Get rid of them as in...?" you inquire nervously.

"Kill them" Ares clarifies.


You feel a bit scared of Ares, but feel comfortable in his presence none less.

"You really grew wings like your father, it brings back the memories" he says, staring at your wings as you take a sip from your favorite drink.

"What type of memories?" you inquire curiously.

"Your father grew wings when he was a child, so I shoved him off a mountain to see if he could fly"

"So did he succeed?"

"No, not the first time anyways"

The look of terror on your face made Ares laugh loudly, attracting the attention of everyone.

Percy walks into the diner with Grover and Annabeth, looking angry.

He officially hates Ares and finds him as a threat to his relationship with you.

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