Chapter Twelve

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"You are back"

"Yeah...I'm back"

You say as you greet him, looking with shame on the ground.

"Hey, why are you sad?" he asks gently.

"Because, I was useless on the quest, I was barely any help to anyone, not only that but I got kidnapped, I guess being the daughter of Eros and granddaughter of Nyx doesn't change that I'm weak" you confess.

Luke places his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him.

"Don't say that, you just haven't discovered your powers yet, imagine if you unlock them, you can even suppress your dad"

Luke tells you, yet you notice something in his eyes.

Greed for power.

And it made you really uncomfortable.

Then you remember what Grover told you, about how he was with Percy and the winged shoes he put on, almost pulled him in Tartarus.

The same shoes  Percy told you that Luke gave to him.

Now, you wonder if Clarisse wasn't reported, after all the clues point to her cooperating with her father Ares.

But you wonder...

"I need to be alone for a while if you excuse me"

You try to stay calm, as Luke smiles at you.

"Ok, but I just want you to know that I would never hurt you"


No, Luke can't betray you and Percy like that.

He is a loyal friend

Luke is sweet.

Luke is honest.

He also sees the gods as what they are.

Luke hates the gods...

Kronos hates the gods...

Your thoughts are swirling in your mind as you try to mute them while staying in the cabin alone while everyone is out there celebrating.

But, your conscience didn't allow you to do so.

Without thinking, you get up from your bed, and grab the dagger Ares gifted to you.

All while praying in your head that Luke isn't a traitor.


"A golden age. That's what they called it when he ruled. We're gonna help Kronos bring the Golden Age back. Stealing the bolt and the helm was easy. For what comes next... we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Percy clashes his sword with Luke to prevent from breaking the seal to the outside world.

"Our parents aren't perfect, but they're trying their best. I met your dad. But he..."

Luke grunts and clashes his swords with Percy once again.

You watch in silence until Percy accidentally slices Luke with his sword causing him to groan in pain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Before Luke could hit Percy with his sword, you cut in, stopping him by using your dagger which was strong enough to block the hit.

Luke stares down at you, and for a moment you thought he had softened up when he stared into your eyes.

"Come with me" he says.

'Your father doesn't love you, the camp will only hurt you, go with him, Luke loves you'

A voice inside your head whispered, and you were going to listen to it.

However, Percy without hesitation pushes Luke away from you, not bearing the thought of you leaving with the enemy.

Suddenly Annabeth reveals herself after pulling off the cap and  hitting Luke with her dagger.

"Annabeth!" Luke lets out in shock.

"I heard everything" she announced.

Luke moves his gaze all over the three of you before stop it right on you.

"One day, you will join me"

With that, Luke runs, and slices the seal open before escaping through it.


If someone told you months ago that you would be attending the seventh grade with Percy as a friend, you would have laughed.

But here you are standing in front of his doorsteps, waiting for him to open the door so you could go to the school together.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jackson" you greet the woman.

"Hello, sweetie, please call me Sally, and come in, Percy has been waiting for-"

Percy quickly runs to the door to greet you.

"I'm ready, let's go!"  he exclaims with delight.

Sally raises her eyebrows at her lovesick son before beaming.

"Wait a second, my mom is coming over today to pick you up so you two can go shopping" you inform her politely.

Percy drags you away, as you wave goodbye to the woman.

"I'm so happy that you agreed to become my girlfriend" He declares.

"You need to go see a therapist, your delusions are getting out of hand, fishy"

Little do you know, that his obsession will get crazier as time goes on.

A/n: This is the end of the book, wait for book two after season two comes out ❤️

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