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After saving Allen M Sumner, we head to the Pearl Harbor base. We only have a few hours before reaching the location, probably at least 4 hours, considering possible detours to avoid the enemy, it could easily be more than 10 hours.

Guise: Now what? What do we do with the U.S. fleet sailing a few miles ahead of us?

Me: I don't know. Do you want to contact them right now? Do you think it's appropriate to introduce ourselves at this moment?

Guise: Isn't it appropriate? Won't they be happy to hear that their commander is alive?

Me: I don't know, but due to their morale, they might mistake us for the enemy and could shoot us in retaliation for killing their commander. You know, frontline soldiers tend to be impulsive, just like Latin American mothers who first hit and then ask questions.

Guise: You're right. So, how do we make contact?

Me: It's quite simple. We'll let the fleet go ahead, and when the time is right, we'll approach the base for diplomatic contact. I'll use this time to think of something logical and a believable story to avoid any issues. For the story, we'll have to say that we come from an alternate world and that we are also at war against the sirens.

Guise: I understand.

Me: Guise, you have to help me with the story since I haven't played the game and I need to know about the game's Lore.

Guise: I'm really sorry, but I don't know anything about the Lore.

Me: What!? How do you not know!?

Guise: (Looks away) Well, it's just that I didn't have time to play and read the story, so I always played on automatic while doing my schoolwork and household chores while you were dealing with drug traffickers in the jungle.

Me: (Disappointed sigh) I see. I guess I have to come up with something with the little information I have... now that I think about it, have you watched the anime? I believe Azur Lane had one.

Guise: (Surprised) Azur Lane had an anime?

Me: That answers all my questions, and yes, it had an anime, both an action series and a school-themed spin-off.

Guise: Have you seen it?

Me: No, I've only seen bits on Facebook news. I haven't had time to watch any anime since I left school.

Guise: This is quite bad. How about if we tell our story as warships and skip our lives as humans?

Me: That could work... But... A ship suddenly acquiring a human body? Weren't the kansen originally humans who gained powers from warships?

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