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Now, Wales is in her office reviewing the reports of Allen's fleet. At that moment, she sighs as two Kansen have submitted their respective resignations. They no longer want anything to do with the combat front, even though they are receiving psychological treatment. They were two destroyers of the Fletcher class, and it seems the experiences were too much for them.

Wales: Well, they resigned, it can't be helped. At the very least, I have to send them a pension so they can survive until they find new work, and provide free psychological treatment...

Wales now looks at the death certificate of Allen M Sunmer.

Wales: Now, what am I going to write in the letter to offer condolences to her parents? Her younger sister is completely devastated and very depressed.


In that moment, London bursts through the door, sweaty and tired from running, which surprises Wales a lot.

Wales: What's going on?

London: We have news! We've received a message from the destroyer Allen M Sunmer!

Wales: (Surprised) What did you say!? Isn't it just a mistake!? Or is the enemy using Allen's radio?

London: No, it's the same Allen M Sunmer. I just spoke to her 10 minutes ago, then I came here to report it immediately.

Wales: (Looking at the death certificate) It can't be true she's already registered as dead. More paperwork for me... How is she?

London: It seems she has been rescued by two Fletcher-class destroyers from a Peruvian faction named Villar and Admiral Guise.

Wales: Peruvian? Where is that country located?

London: It was a country located in South America, currently invaded by the Sirens.

Wales: I see. London, notify the second fleet to go and receive them, escort them to the base, and make sure it's not a trap. Wasp is an old acquaintance of Allen she might recognize her.

London: Understood.

London leaves the office.

Wales: Oh my God, what a mess. I suppose I'll have to do more paperwork to annul Allen's death.

Meanwhile, London notifies the second fleet to set sail immediately and receive the incoming destroyer fleet.

The fleet led by Wasp sets sail.

Arizona: I didn't expect our fleet to set sail.

Wasp: It seems that two unknown destroyers from a nation that no longer exists are about to enter the harbor. Moreover, they say they have Allen with them. The report states that they rescued her from death.

Oklahoma: Do you believe the report?

Wasp: I have no choice but to believe the report after all, it comes from higher-ups.

San Juan: So, we don't know their intentions.

Wasp: No, we only know that they are Fletcher-class destroyers.

Radford: Fletcher? I didn't know our country exported designs abroad.

Wasp: And we haven't, that's one reason we must proceed with caution.

Meanwhile, with our protagonist.

She is looking at the radar on her ship on the bridge, her sister Guise and Allen are also present.

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