leaving the house

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Dija's POV
Dija: am so sorry for causing problems between you and your father,I never meant for this to happen.
Hasan:you are not at fault.I don't know where my father's head is at, but we need to move.Do you think we can move into your apartment?

Dija: offcourse.
Hasan: I should have done this at first, I should listen to you,this wouldn't have happened.
Dija: no,it isn't your fault.I saw the way he looks at me but ignored it because he was your father, enough of that ,distance will fix things.

Hasan:yes,I want you to be very comfortable.(he hugged me tightly.The next day,we came down with our luggage.mother,Maya and father stood by the dinning table.)
Ruqi: where are you two going?
Hasan:we leaving,we are moving to her place

Ruqi:why is that?
Hasan: I know you already know mom,so if you have any confusion ask Dad.
Ruqi:am sure, it's your wife's fault,she  seduced my husband.
Dija:I did no such thing.why is the woman always to be blamed,the man has eyes and hands too, and father couldn't keep it to himself.

(Father looked down ashamed)
Hasan:we will visit, anytime we get the chance.
Sadik:you don't have to go,I am ashamed of what I have become,I will be going on a trip to give you two space.
Hasan:it's still not enough, come on Khadija.

(We left the house.)

Sadik's POV
What have I done?I drove my own son away from me,I ruined our relationship and my relationship with his wife.
Ruqi:you Know what,am tired of such disgrace

Maya:but you knew about this.
Ruqi:I thought it was her fault,not knowing it was his doing.Laying eyes on my son's wife?
Sadik: ruqi..

Ruqi:no,I want a divorce.here I was thinking,that Khadija was the one seducing you,not knowing it was you.I know we don't love each other,I am merely a fling to you,but Hasan is your son,my son .I can't believe you will do such a thing to him.
Sadik: I didn't know what came over me.

Ruqi:well I don't care, it's long overdue since I got a divorce.since my son is older ,I don't need to stay with you any longer,so grant me my divorce.

Dija's POV
I can't believe today was my birthday and all this happened,I was officially 23.Immediately we settled in, Hasan took me out on a birthday date .

We then went to the theatre, surprisingly they were showing my favorite movie and before I know it,the screen showed "happy birthday Khadija"on the screen.

What?then all of sudden,there was singing.The people in the theater were singing Happy birthday to me.

Hasan came back with a cake with lit candles.I can't believe this.

Hasan: make a wish, dear.(I blew out the candles as the people clapped.I cut the cake .)

After we came home and cuddled up in the couch.
Dija:I love you so much.
Hasan:I love you too, and I will do anything for you.

Four months later I got a call ,my mom had woken up.

INLOVE WITH MY DAUGHTER IN LAWWhere stories live. Discover now