Present times(reconcilation)

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Dija's POV
Today Osman was coming home from the army ,we all stood waiting for him at the airport.

Surprisingly, father in law came in.
Hasan:you are here?
Sadik:yes ,son(his eyes was puffy and red.We could tell he had cried all night,my mom came to him)

Zara: what are you doing here?
Sadik: Zara,I know I have no right to be here (tears came down his face) please,I just want to fix things,I was so stupid and arrogant.I should have never neglected my son,I should have never neglected you.

I was so prideful,that I forgot about how you felt.You were my little Zara,we grew up together,I was supposed to take care of you,but I hurt you instead.I should have been a better husband,I should have understood that you were a doctor,you are saving lives,this was your dream.

I should have respected that but I let my greed and selfishness blind me
I used my right as a man to hurt you, instead of saving you the trouble of dealing with the heartbreak of marrying someone else.

(Tears came down my mom's face,I could tell she still loved him)
I promised to love only you and share my bed with you,but I betrayed you, and I neglected our innocent son.

(Mom slapped him, shocking us all)
Zara:he didn't deserve this,he was only four years old,he needed his father,but what did you do?you sent him away because of your pride.

He didn't deserve this ,he only wanted what a child would want, which is to be with both parents
You are lucky,Jamal performed your duties for you,but now Jamal is gone(she couldn't help but cry.Tears came down my face) Jamal is gone, there is nobody to fill in for you,so you better man up,am I understood?

Sadik: absolutely.
(We all didn't notice Osman standing there)
Dija'mom look (they turned to see Osman,we ran to hug him.we couldn't hold in the tears)

Osman: why are you two crying, it's not like I went to war and surprisingly came back.
Dija:will you stop being so sarcastic.
Osman: I can't believe you are awake mom.
Zara: I can't believe, you are here safe and sound.All thanks to Allah.

(Osman then laid eyes on sadik who looked down ashamed)
Zara: I know you two have your differences,but please try.
Osman:am doing this because you asked.(Osman went to him)

Osman: father (father in-law hugged him tightly and cried)
Sadik:am so sorry son,please forgive me.
Osman: I can't forgive you,but I will try.
Sadik: thank you.

Osman:so my brother in law is literally my half brother.
Hasan: it's very weird,I know (they hugged)

Time to think of it,it is weird,if mom and father in law were to come back together, Hasan would be my step brother,mom would be his step mom,Hasan and Osman are already brothers, and I am already osman's sister,but am also his sister in-law.

This is
Messed up.

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