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"Hey everyone. I know that everyone is excited to leave so I'll keep this short. For those of you who don't know, I am Violeta Kelce. Technically I am a D1 athlete and you're probably wondering how I got here. Instead of conforming to what others think I should be, I choose to embrace my biggest dreams, take risks, and pursue my wildest ambitions. I have come to believe that the way to become successful is to rewrite the rules that society gives you. I encourage all of you to do the same. Thank you and congratulations graduates," I preached. I took my cap off and threw it in the air followed by the rest of my graduating year. I caught Travis's eye from the stage and he smiled at me. He always knew how to reassure me.

I walked off the stage and said my goodbyes. I had to get on plane so that I could get set up at the lacrosse training camp I was invited to. The D1 lacrosse recruited all spent a month training with the national women's lacrosse league coaches and learning what we can about preparing for college. This year it was held at Cumberland University.

I was nervous when I arrived on campus, and just wasn't really sure where to go. I was looking at the map and bumped into someone. "I am so sorry," I exclaimed.

A girl with long curly blonde hair with bright blue eyes smiled at me. "You are totally good, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," she responded.

"I'm Violeta. Sorry again but you wouldn't have any idea where the athletic building is, would you?" I asked her.

"Taylor, and yeah it's this way," Taylor explained to me. She started walking and I followed her. "So why are you going to the athletic building?" She asked while we were walking.

"I play lacrosse and there's a training camp," I responded.

"That sounds like fun," she commented. "So how old are you?"

"Eighteen, I just graduated high school. What about you?" I asked her.

"Same," Taylor responded. "I'm more into music than sports though. That's actually why I'm on campus, I'm recording a music video."

"Wait that's actually so cool. What genre are you in?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Country, mostly," Taylor responded. She stopped walking and sighed, "Well this is the building."

"I know that this is probably going to sound weird but can we exchange numbers?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Sure," she responded and she typed her contact info into my phone. "See ya later," Taylor exclaimed as she walked away.

"Bye," I called out after her.

Taylor POV

I don't know if giving her my number was the best idea but we clicked. She is so nice and she seemed genuinely interested in what I did but also wanted to talk about what she did. She didn't seem to jump at the fact that I could've been famous but she did talk like she knew music. There was a chance that she was playing me but she definitely didn't recognize me. What did I just do?

Violeta POV

I walked in and I saw some of the best coaches in the league. I am awestruck. The fact that they are going to watch me play is making my head spin. "What's your name?" One of the coaches asked and I froze for just a second before I smiled.

"Violeta Kelce," I stated. I tried to not sound as excited as I was. She ran a finger down the clipboard she was holding and she checked my name off when she found it. She handed me a room key and told me how to get there. She also gave me a schedule for the month. I was looking over it.

"The highlighted boxes are everything that you have to come to and anything not highlighted is specialized to one of the other positions so don't come during those times. You should be ready to play when you come down here so stretch and anything else you do before your allotted time," the coach explained as I scanned the boxes. There weren't any workout times.

"Is there a gym here?" I asked and the coach looked up from the clipboard smiling.

"Yeah. It's through that door," she said as she pointed at a door on the other side of the room.

Coach POV

Violeta Kelce walked away. She was the first to ask if there was a gym and probably the only one of them that worked out on a regular basis. I am definitely keeping track of what she is doing.

Violeta POV

When I got into the room, there was someone else in there. My roommate for the duration of the camp. "Hi! I'm Kayley!" She exclaimed.

"Violeta," I smiled putting my stuff down. She was surprisingly chipper for an athlete.

"So what school are you going to?" Kayley asked me.

"Cincinnati," I stated while trying to organize my stuff.

"OMG same," Kayley exclaimed. "This is amazing. I was kinda worried that no one else here would be going there and I don't know that it would be looked down on in this crowd.

"What position do you play?" I just had to ask. If she was competition then I had to be careful.

"I'm an offensive end!" She exclaimed.

"I'm a center," I replied. She laughed and dropped the smile.

"Thank god , that whole happy thing is annoying," she spoke in a normal voice and I looked at her shocked. "What? It's a competition, I'd rather be underestimated," she explained.

"So in other words, you're an evil genius. Got it," I analyzed. She laughed.

"We're going to the same school which means we are going to have to deal with each other for four years, if you last that long, so mine as well get to know each other," Kayley proposed.

I rolled my eyes. "I think I'm good," I responded putting in my AirPods and walking back downstairs. I went into the gym and turned on the treadmill. I needed to blow off some steam and I figured that I probably shouldn't do a full workout.

Coach POV

I watched Violeta already walk into the gym. "She is already working," I muttered.

"Who?" My assistant coach asked. I jumped when she spoke.

"Violeta Kelce. She is already in the gym," I paused and looked at my assistant. "Do you know what school she is going to?"

"Kelce," she pondered for a moment, "She is that girl that was stupid and chose to go to Cincinnati. Her stats could've gotten her anywhere but she insisted on going to Cincinnati. She was the only D1 center from 2008."

"So what I'm hearing is, she is the one to watch?" I asked. My assistant nodded her head.

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