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After the boys left, Taylor and I watched TV for a little before we both started getting ready for the day. Taylor came into my bathroom while I was straightening my hair. "Can I borrow your straightener?" She asked.

"I think you should let me do your curls," I said while continuing to straighten my hair. She sighed. Taylor seemed to think that her curl hair was ugly but it looked amazing.

"Fine but if I don't like it, I'm straightening it after," Taylor responded reluctantly. I smiled.

"Deal," I said. I finished straightening my hair and then I did Taylor's hair. They looked amazing. "Your hair looks amazing," I said and she was looking in the mirror.

"It doesn't look terrible," Taylor agreed. 

"So," I said and she turned her head. 

"So?" She questioned when I didn't finish my statement.  I showed her the picture and she looked at the picture for a few seconds before she realized what it was.  "I um," Taylor started and I interrupted her. 

"So, do you like my brother?" I asked her and she looked at me apologetic. 

"No.  I could never he is your brother and that was just I don't know but I promise I don't," she defended and I waited for her to finish ranting. 

"Taylor I don't care.  If you like him, then I will support you and if you don't I'll do the same," I said hoping to get her to drop her guard just a little.  She let out an exasperated breath. 

"I don't know.  I have never even considered him like that.  I mean I'd have to be blind to not tell that he's attractive," she stopped her train of thought.  "I shouldn't be saying that to you he's your brother," she retorted. 

"Taylor Alison Swift, I am your best friend.  You can say anything to me," I reassured her.  I did find this entire conversation revolting but she needed a sounding board. 

"He's funny and he's a gentleman.  He was definitely flirting with me yesterday.  Wait when did you take that picture?" Taylor asked me and I looked at the time on the photo. 

"4:13 am," I said. 

"He actually slept there.  Then why wasn't he there when I woke up?" Taylor asked me.  He wasn't there when she woke up?

"Maybe he was trying to make sure Zach and I didn't see you or he needed to get ready," I stated.  Those were probably both true but he definitely stayed there as long as possible. 

"I don't know, Vi," Taylor said.

"You want to know my favorite pastime?" I asked her and she nodded. "Crashing their practices," I stated and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"We can't do that," Taylor said. I grabbed her hand and dragged her with me.

"Coach Reid loves me plus their practice is almost over," I said as I let go of her hand. She followed me and got in the car. I have blackout windows and I texted my security that I was going to arrowhead, Taylor did the same.

"How mad are they going to be that I am there?" Taylor asked and I noticed that her leg was shaking.

"They won't be, they will love you. Promise," I said comforting her. 

When we got there, I led Taylor to the gym and when we walked in a few people looked and I saw the shock on their faces.  I walked right over to Coach Reid with Taylor right behind me.  "Good afternoon, Violeta.  It's nice to see you again, Taylor," Coach Reid greeted us. 

"Wait you two know each other?" I asked and Taylor smiled. 

"My dad is a huge Eagles fan and I met Coach Reid when he was their coach," Taylor explained. 

"Well isn't that interesting.  I met Coach Reid the summer before I started college," I said and Taylor smiled. 

"Now, I have to know, how do you two know each other?" Coach Reid asked. 

"We met in 2008 and have been best friends since," Taylor stated and Coach Reid looked like he was about to start laughing.

"Did your brother know that?" Coach Reid asked me and I cracked a smile. 

"She was my maid of honor," I stated and that drew the attention of quite a few of the players on the team.  I looked at Zach and he started laughing before turning to talk to Travis. 

Zach POV

"Taylor doesn't know about the bracelet," I whispered to Travis. He was still working out and honestly I think he was trying to ignore the situation.

"How long is that gonna last?" Travis asked me and I noticed that he was actually nervous. I grabbed my phone and texted Vi a question mark. I knew that she would know what I was asking.

Violeta POV

I felt my phone buzz and I took it out to look at it. I opened the text and didn't even hesitate to type yes. I looked at Zach and the second he saw the answer he smiled. Taylor and I talked to Coach Reid until the practice was over. A few of the guys introduced themselves to Taylor and then they went to change.

Zach wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head. "You're sweaty," I said.

"And you're torturing my best friend," Zach whispered in my ear. "Firefly, you are dangling a carrot," he continued to whisper. He kissed my neck and then walked away.  I hadn't even noticed that Travis left. 

"Tree just texted me, I need to head to the airport," Taylor sighed.  I knew that she would be here for long but I was hoping that she would get another day. 

"I'll drive you, Tay. I just have to tell Zach," I said and we walked to find the boys. They were in the lobby talking. "I'm driving Tay to the airport," I said after they both turned to look at us.

"Okay, well it was great seeing you," Zach said and he smiled. He was one of the few people that knew how hard it was for Taylor to constantly be moving around and not having somewhere that felt like home.

"It was great seeing you too, Zach," she responded and then she turned to Travis. "It was nice getting to know you better," she said. She had a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Good luck with your tour," Travis said. Taylor thanked him and we left. Right before we got to the airport, Taylor asked for Travis's number and I had no problem giving it to her.

When I got back home, Zach just hugged me. Whenever Taylor and I said goodbye, it felt like the world was ending and he got that without me ever explaining it to him. He was always comforted me without me ever having to ask.

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