17. Division of Kingdoms

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With her brothers behind her, she felt she could rule the world.  Greeting everyone in the garden, she sat on the pyre. Her mother and brothers, had moist eyes, but had complete faith in her. The Yuvraj of Vajji stood by the pyre, watching his beloved have to fight. He couldn't accept it. He won't. But before he could say anything, she showed him her hand. One hand to tell him to trust her. The hand was enough for him to believe her, after all, love demands trust and his love was demanding his trust right now.  The pandav's wives were standing by them, supporting their husbands and themselves by holding their hands, helping them in looking at the bravery of their sister.Raajkumari Meenakshi stood next to Sahdev, scared of what would happen.

" Maharaj Dhritarashtr. This morning I put forth the condition, that if I am not burned in the fire, I will be free to marry whomever I want, with no hesitations from your side lest you invite the wrath of my brothers and if I am burnt even a  small amount by the fire, then if the Angraj is still willing, I will marry him. " She announced.

" Putri please don't do this." Mahamahim Bheeshm said pleading to her granddaughter.

" Raajkumar Suyodhan. I invite you to set fire . " She said.

Suyodhan, with a smirk on his face brought the mashala, and lit the pyre on fire.

" Hey Mata Lakshmi. Protect me. Let me present another example of a woman's strength as you did when you were mata Sita. Sahas deejiye. " She said joining her hands as the flames roared over her, drowning the cries of her loved ones, drowning the cries of the Yuvraj being held back by the brothers. It hurt them all, but she sat on the fire, each tiny flame making her feel better and stronger than before.

Suddenly, the clouds gathered and a bright light shined through it. All eyes tracked the rays of the light, when a voice spoke, " Maharaj Dhritarashtr you fool! You question my daughter's chastisity. You who is blind in his own son's love has the right to question my powers. Agnidev, it is my request, a mother's request, answer their doubts as you had for me. I am watching you Maharaj Dhritarashtr. I will not say anything here, as my daughter's karm are pure, her intentions are pure, she herself is  a gift of my powers. My mantrprasad. If ever, she is disrespected in your presence and in front of all her family members and no one speaks up, then Narayan's anger will be far better than what I will rain down on you.  This fire will be doused by the rain right now, for she has made me proud. Remember my warning. " Mata Lakshmi said, watching her daughter's pain through glistening eyes. She went away afterwards,  inviting the rain.

" Putri. Putri, come down now. You've done enough. Please don't embarrass us further. The fact that you had to do all this to prove yourself is the biggest taint to our kul. Please putri. " Gandhari begged.

" The biggest taint to your kul, Maharani Gandhari, was the fact that your daughter had to prove herself to her own family. I cannot believe this is the state of Kuruvansh. " Devika said fuming.

Slowly, the fire died down in the pouring rain and Karunika opened her eyes. She stepped down the pyre and said, " Hey Agnidev. Thank you for supporting me. " Touching the burning wood with her forehead.

She walked over to her family, stood in front of the king and announced, " Today I, Kuruvansh Kumari Karunika had to prove who I am, I had to show the world the path of dharm. Now, I believe I have the right to marry whomever I choose. Maharaj Dhritarashtr, Pandavputri Karunika accepts Vajji Yuvraj's proposal for marriage, if he still wishes to marry her. " She said turning around to see her through warm brown eyes. She stared right into the ocean blue ones, joy of victory shared in both.

" Kulguru Kripachary. Putri Karunika is right. Prepare the day. Our Kumari is getting married. " Dhritarashtr announced, and her family smiled.


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