COMING SOON - prologue.

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Nakahara Chuuya sighed, massaging his forehead with gloved hands, desperately trying to stop the headache to bloom.

«- But Chuuya ! It can't be an agency if I'm alone ! And it's not like we have anything better to do,» whined Dazai Osamu by his side.

The two of them had just bought the entire fourth floor of a vintage looking building, splitting it between their private apartments and the office of the - future - Detective Agency.

It was its name, for the moment. The "Armed" wouldn't make any else, seeing that everyone in this damn dimension had Abilities - sorry, Quirks. And, weapons were a strick no-no.

(How dull.)

It didn't stop Chuuya from wearing his knife, nor Dazai from hiding a ridiculous amount of guns and others on their floor.

The light turned green, and the gravity manipulator took a step, only to be stopped by the woman bareling into him.

«- IIIIH !!! A VILLAIN ATTACK !» she screeched in his ear.

Chuuya took a deep breath, and reverse counted to ten. Murder wasn't allowed, murder wasn't allowed, murder wasn't allowed- Dazai was snickering next to him, so he slammed his heel on his foot instead.

Meanwhile, a Hero had arrived, showed off and subdued the Villain, not without damaging the beams supporting the tram line.

What a bunch of amateurs. To think that was considered the epitome of professionalism.

As all civilians clapped and wolf whistled, the two Ability users went their way. Chuuya took the conversation back where it was left.

«- We could search for a way back, you dumb fuck.»

«- Waaa~!» cried the idiot dramatically, « but what about our romantic vacation ?!»

Okay, Dazai wanted him to pop a blood vessel before the end of the day. Very well.

The gravity manipulator opened his mouth to answer, when a light weight collided with his leg. He stopped, looking down.

There was a little girl. She had red eyes and silvery hair, was wearing rags, no shoes, and an alarming amount of bandages.

He crouched down, without any care for his long coat dragging all the dirty shits on the walkway. Dazai hovered above them.

«- Hey there,» he called gently, « is everything alright, Sweatheart ?»

«- I- Uh- I,» she fumbled with her words.

Fear was fighting relief in her eyes, and tears were already gathering, ready to spill.

«- Breathe,» he reminded her. « Forget my first question. What's your name ?»

«- I- ... It's-»

«- Eri.»

A male voice called behind her, its owner hidden in the alley's shadows. The girl stiffened, panicked.

«- Eri, come here. You know what'll happen if you don't, don't you ?»

Chuuya felt one of his teeth crack from how hard he was gritting them. Thankfully, Dazai put that silvery tongue of his to good use.

«- Why, that's a no-no, mister~ Intimidating and threatening a child~ That's a direct way to prison.»

«- Mind your business. You don't want to see more of this.»

Chuuya and Dazai exchanged a glance.

«- Hey, come here, Eri,» called the beanpole. « You want to see how it is up here ?»

The little girl hesitated, looking back and forth between the man in the alley and them. She pressed her hands against her chest.

«- I can't,» she finally answered, « I'll hurt you.»

Dazai smirked at her.

«- I'll tell you a secret. You can't hurt me.»

«- But my Quirk-»

«- Won't work on me. Mine nullify any power by touch.»¹

It was all it took. Eri looked at Dazai, fascinated, and took his hand. In less time than it took to say it, the child was balanced on the idiot's hip, with Eri gripping his brown trench coat.

The mastermind provocatively took his phone out of his pocket, composing what was without any doubt the police's number.

«- You're going to regret this,» the shabby man growled, walking into the light.

Chuuya's lip curled in distaste at his attire. Seriously, who wore a fake, giant bird mask and thought it was okay ?
Said fashion mistake lifted a hand.

Before he could take any more step or utter any more word, the gravity manipulator was upon him, a familiar red glow humming on his skin.

Bird mask got very well acquainted with the concrete.

«- There's always someone stronger,» Chuuya sneered.

Police's sirens ringed in the background.


¹: on the base that abilities are tied to the soul and quirks to the adn, both aizawa and dazai's nullifying power shouldn't work.
for plot devices, dazai's ability will still work - I won't enter any debates on body and spirit.

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