chapter 55

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After arriving at the estate, everyone was busy once again.

The management of the estates was taken care of by the stewards of the Chu Wang Mansion, and the rooms for their stay were kept clean. Although the decorations in the rooms couldn't compare to the grandeur of the Chu Wang Mansion, they had their own rustic charm.

The servants arranged the bedding, lit the charcoal brazier, and after everything was in order, half the night had already passed.

Yuan Li and Chu Hechao's rooms were next to each other. It was late at night, and the two didn't say much, each preparing to rest after washing up.

The estate in the countryside was colder than the Chu Wang Mansion, and there were no heated beds, but the rooms were warmed by burning charcoal, creating a cozy atmosphere that made one yawn.

However, Yuan Li couldn't fall asleep yet. His hands, previously frozen, now started itching in the warm blankets.

Yuan Li scratched his hands, but the itchiness only grew, preventing him from falling asleep.

Helplessly, he took his hands out from under the blanket and examined them in the dim light of the charcoal fire. They had swelled up, with red bumps appearing on the frostbitten areas. He couldn't even make a fist; they resembled two pig trotters.

The itching was most intense on the back of his hands. Yuan Li endured it for a while, but unable to bear it any longer, he got up, dressed, and prepared to make some saltwater with Sichuan peppercorns to wash his hands.

This was a folk remedy. Boiling water with Sichuan peppercorns and salt had anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, pain-relieving, and itch-relieving properties. As long as there was enough salt, Sichuan peppercorn saltwater could serve as an ancient disinfectant. Unfortunately, it couldn't be used on damaged skin, as it would irritate the wounds and impede healing.

Yuan Li wrapped himself in a thick cloak and carefully closed the door.

Just as he closed the door, the adjacent door opened. Chu Hechao stood there wearing a thin garment, his belt loose, revealing a small area of well-defined muscles on his chest. His gaze was sharp, as if he hadn't slept at all. "Where are you going in the middle of the night?"

Yuan Li didn't expect him to still be awake and whispered, "Did I wake you up?"

Chu Hechao glanced at him and replied, "Answer my question first."

"My hands are itching too much," Yuan Li honestly admitted, "I wanted to go to the kitchen and make some Sichuan peppercorn saltwater to wash my hands."

Chu Hechao furrowed his thick eyebrows and said, "Wait."

After speaking, he hurried back into his room, put on his clothes, and joined Yuan Li outside.

The two of them walked towards the kitchen together. The estate was quiet, with even the chickens and ducks fast asleep. The starry sky stretched above, illuminated by the bright moon, and the wind was chilly.

Chu Hechao took a step forward, blocking the cold wind blowing from the north, and suddenly asked, "What is Sichuan peppercorn saltwater?"

Yuan Li briefly explained the purpose of Sichuan peppercorn saltwater to him.

Chu Hechao keenly perceived the benefits of Sichuan peppercorn saltwater and asked directly, "Can it be used in the infirmary?"

"No," Yuan Li sighed, "Sichuan peppercorn saltwater is used for treating eczema, soreness, foot soaks, hemorrhoids... Well, it's quite useful for various purposes, but it shouldn't be used to clean open wounds."

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