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The picture above shows Nontobeko's body features excluding skin tone.

Ring ring ring, pshh who is calling me this time, people don't have good timing really. I might as well as wake up because if persistent was a person, it will be the person who is calling right now. I rolled my eyes before I answered the caller.

....On a phone call...

"Hello." You know that annoyed hello? that's the one i am spitting right now.
"Come on bitch wake up" oh bored sana that's my best friend. "Oh my word bitch what's wrong now u know I love my sleep so out with it."

I am calm now because I love scoop (gossip). "Girl, you are still asleep? You forgot what day is it today?" She asks more like reminding me of something i forgot thats how dramatic she is."I know what day it is....wait what time it is?"

Today is my first day at work I am not really looking forwad to it. My apologies I didn't do introduction let me introduce myself. I am Nontobeko Rose Khumalo.I am 20 years old and soon to be 21. I am growing.

I studied biotechnology at the University of Kwa Zulu Natal, so this year, I'll be doing an internship at a microbiology company in Pretoria Midrand . I am the third daughter of Menzi Khumalo, my father and Lerato Khumalo, my mother.

My mother is from the Pedi tribe and my father is a proudly Zulu man. "The Nkabis and Brentwood type a man." I have four siblings, first one being Nkanyiso Lucky Khumalo 28 year old brother , Second being my married sister , Nonkanyiso Pretty Khumalo who is 25 years old and fourth, Muzi Treasure Khumalo, 18 years yah the English names neh dramatic parents I tell you but i like mine being all rose.

I hang up the call, yoh I am so late it's now 06h30 I have to report to work at 08h00. Oh my God, why did I drink wine like that yesterday? If you see me drinking on weekdays, kill me. I run to the shower as fast as I can.

After a few minutes, I am done. I just pick whatever clothing I can wear. I wear flat jeans, a crop top, top it off with a hoodie. It's a bit chilly outside, although it might get hot, hence the crop to which I'll cover it with a lab coat. Pecks of working in microbiology lab.

Soon after I am done, I head to the kitchen just to grab an apple. I am late for cereal. Luckily, I stay close to work. I run but careful not fall. I am now outside the building. It is 07h45. I get to breathe, take my wipes, and wipe off the sweat.

I walk through the receptionist being confident. I humbly greet the receptionist, and she greets me back with a smile. Wow, she is kind, is it.
"Hi, I am siphosenkosi Dlamini, and your supervisor is on the second floor. First, meet up with the manager right door on your left third floor to wrap up the formalities."

The receptionist gently tells me the orders. I go straight to the elevator, I don't want to waste any more time. I knock on the door. A private school lady accent says... "Come on in, please," like she was waiting for me already.

"Good morning, Ms Khumalo. Can we please go through the contract, and then you can head to your supervisor." I have no say. I am happy with everything that's on the contract, especially the salary. Even though it's not that much since I am an intern but I have no child, so why not. Well, let's meet the supervisor.

I hope she is better than the manager because she didn't even ask about my wellbeing. What if I am on the verge of committing suicide? No people do not care in the world sham. "Good day." I passed my greeting to the supervisor, Whom opened her office door as I was about to knock.

"Greetings Ms Khumalo how are you today. To my Suprise she cares "I am fine thanks how are you Mrs Mampa?" I ask keeping eye contact. "I am fine, let me show you your working environment. The Ceo is not around he will come back to introduce you to the team afternoon before knock-off time."

It is now lunchtime, I decide to go outside to get a breather because those microorganisms are smelly a breather will do since I am not hungry. "Hi" a deep voice says I turn to see if the voice is directed to me, indeed it is.

" Hi" I greet back oh he is so tall black chocolate yummy wait am i really seeing my colleague like this Ntobs be serious come on . "I am Ntsika Mabaso, quality control intern, and you?" he introduces himself. me? what now, oh, I should introduce myself damn what did he say his name is?

I think somewhere, like Ntsika. i hope i am right, as for the surname God will help me remember. Suddenly my throat is dry can somebody give me water before this man' s body kill me I clear my throat. "i am Nontobeko Khumalo microbiology intern." I say after I finally catch my breath and stop battling with my thoughts.

"Can I please join you?" He does have a nice cut, i think to myself. "More like I join you because you have food dude and you know this place more than I do so joining me standing here like a lost puppy I'm joking I am getting a breather."

I mumble to myself."Join you in getting a breather." Oops too late he heard me. "Yes you can" I say "uhm since it just so quiet and awkward how about I give you a tour around." innocent tour won't hurt."oh yeah why not that will help me" I eye his food.

I am very much hungry and his food looks appetizing, he better do the right thing." Argh where are my manners let's eat first because we will need the energy this building is huge" he rolls his eyes no guys i think I am not attracted by him anymore why the hell!

Did he just roll his eyes?oh my God, he is a vibe. I laugh my ass off, and he joins, too. After we are done eating, i can't say no to free food and who doesn't want to be given food by a man? We are done touring, and it's time to get back to work.

Oh my God, I see everyone I rushing to their workstation. I am confused. I am not going to just run not knowing what is chasing me or what is chasing them. I walk to the lab and continue with my rounds before getting interrupted by my supervisor.

"Ms Khumalo the CEO is here please avail yourself at the boardroom." I nod following her surely she is going there too if not I will be lost. There are many boardrooms here, it now makes srnce that Thee CEO is back hence the running how feard is he?

As I avail myself, I notice that people are here already. My supervisor and I are only the last ones to enter. The door closes itself. How rich this company is. We find chairs to sit as everyone is seated.

The boadroom is large and wide spacious, i tell you. "Good day. I hope everyone is having a great day, a very benefitting energy for the company." The CEO says lol talk about looking out for his company hey He continues to say..

"We have new interns to welcome, so team welcome Mr Mabaso and Ms Khumalo" we stand up then they applaud for us he continues.

" Mr Mabaso and Ms Khumalo you are very much welcome and please if you have concerns please lay them to your supervisors and managers they will bring them to me. Good luck in learning, please work ethical as you ever did, most of them all put in the work you are excused".

Just like that, we head to our workstations. Before I could even look for my phone to check the time. I am told that it is already a knock of time. oh, I am so happy I missed my bed so bad.

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