she proposes (requested)

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"This is all so perfect. It's the vacation I have always dreamt of." You told her as you placed your head on her shoulder.

You stepped off the elevator as the doors opened upon reaching the floor your room was on and Karina was all smiles as you began to walk down the hall.

"I'm so happy you're enjoying it, baby. But it's only going to get better." She promised.

And it truly was.

She's been planning this for the last couple of weeks to ensure that everything was perfect and went according to plan.

She booked a trip for the two of you, a romantic vacation to Greece.

She booked the most luxurious hotel and planned out a ton of fun things to do while you're there.

At first, she thought about proposing around the beautiful sights outside.

But she and the girls have been dropping hints that she planned to propose and she wanted to make it a surprise so she opted to have the hotel room decorated instead while you two were out at dinner tonight.

She had a little help from the staff that work at the hotel as far as setting it all up went and as you passed by, they sent her smiles and nods when you weren't looking, just to assure her that it was all ready for the two of you.

"I don't see how it could get better. I feel like a princess." You said to which she grinned and pinched your cheek before kissing it.

"You are a princess in my eyes. You're my princess."

"You spoil me too much." You said, shaking your head with a smile.

You put the key in the door and Karina took a deep breath when it unlocked and you opened the door.

At first, you didn't notice anything since your gaze was on the floor.

You took off your shoes and began to walk over to the bed when you lifted your head and noticed everything.

It was so gorgeous; rose petals all over the floor, candles, pictures of you and Karina decorated all over, and balloons.

Some were just regular balloons; just black and red balloons that floated up to the ceiling.

But there were a few that weren't like that.

They spelled something out - a question that Karina has been wanting to ask you for so long now.

In pink balloons, they spelled out,

'Will you marry me'

And there was even an engagement ring balloon right beside the question mark.

You turned around to face Karina and watched as she came over to you.

Her eyes were so soft as she took your hands into hers.

She just gazed at you adoringly for a few seconds as you smiled from ear to ear, unable to hold back.

Getting on one knee on the floor, she let go of one of your hands to pull the ring out of her pocket.

"This has been so hard for me to keep to myself. I've been wanting to blurt it out to you for the last couple of days since we arrived. But I had this all planned out and I knew it was going to be perfect." She said.

"Oh, baby," You chuckled as tears filled your eyes.

"I'm so in love with you, Y/N. We've been together for three years now and they have been the best of my entire life. There's no one else I ever want to spend the rest of my life with. All I want, forever, is to keep falling even more in love with you every single day, just as I do now. Will you marry me?"

For a second, you were lost for words.

It was all so beautiful and this moment was everything you had ever dreamt of, the most perfect part of it all being that the love of your life was the one down on one knee, asking to spend forever with you.

But soon, you couldn't hold back, and you yelled out,


A tear fell from her eyes just as one slid down your cheek.

She stood up and brought your hand to her lips for a loving kiss.

As her teary brown eyes locked with yours, she slid the ring on your finger before you threw your arms around her neck and pulled her in for a loving kiss.

She kissed you back as her love for you became overwhelming and the happiness you both felt over taking this step together hit you both hard, causing you to pull away from the kiss and bury your face in her neck as you hugged each other tight.

"We're getting married!" You spoke against her neck. "I can't believe it. I'm so happy."

"Me too." She said as she kissed your head.

This is all the two of you have ever wanted and you couldn't wait to tell everyone that you were going to spend forever and grow old together, just as you've always hoped.

"I love you so much." You whispered.

"I love you too; so, so much."

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now