caught (requested)

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You let out a yawn before laying your head on Karina's shoulder.

Your eyes felt heavy from your lack of sleep so you closed them and then cracked a sweet smile as Karina's soft lips brushed against your forehead.

"Are you tired, Y/N?" Giselle asked. "You look exhausted."

"I am." You replied.

"Karina said that since you both had the day off yesterday you'd be catching up on sleep together," NingNing said. "You're still tired after all that sleep you got?"

You lifted your head from Karina's shoulder before staring at each other, her lips eventually tugging into a smirk.

"I'm always so busy these days, I feel as though I never sleep. I can't ever get enough of it." You nervously said as Karina took a sip of her water to hide her smirk that just kept growing.

Only the two of you know how you actually spent yesterday and you'd like to keep it that way... if only your girlfriend could stop smirking about it.

"We all know how that goes," Winter said as she looked at the menu.

Karina set her glass down and pulled you closer as you both decided on what you wanted to order.

The waitress came around and you all ordered the food you wanted before she took your menus and you snuggled up to Karina a little more.

She got busy talking with the girls while you tried your very best to keep your eyes open.

However, after a moment, you began to feel hot.

Through your exhausted daze, you couldn't seem to remember why you had a hoodie on in this heat.

You pulled away from Karina and unzipped the black hoodie you had on before putting it on the booth beside you.

"So, Y/N, what have you been up to lately?" NingNing asked as she turned her attention away from Karina to you.

However, she gasped upon seeing something you and Karina had tried so hard to keep hidden... the marks all over your neck.

Without your hoodie on, they were all exposed and from what NingNing saw, there were a lot of them.

"What happened to your neck?!"

Karina quickly looked away from Winter, whom she'd been talking with, and looked over at you.

"You took it off?" She asked and reached across you to grab your hoodie.

"I got hot and I forgot why I had it on in the first place!" You said as Karina tried to help you put your hoodie back on.

But it was too late.

The girls had already seen them.

"Dang, Karina. It looks more like you mauled her. That's a lot of hickeys." Giselle teased.

"Now I know why you're so tired." Winter winked before laughing.

"There's not a single inch that wasn't covered in hickeys. Gosh, you two must've been very busy yesterday." NingNing laughed.

"And almost all of last night," Karina smirked. "We didn't get to sleep until about four am." She bragged.

"Karina!" You said before playfully smacking her arm.

"I'm not even surprised," Giselle said as she shook her head.

You sighed as you zipped your hoodie up, hoping it would prevent anyone else from seeing your marks.

"I can't believe you're laughing along with them!" You said before playfully shoving your girlfriend.

"You're the one that took the hoodie off. I told you that if you did, they'd see your marks and tease you about it." Karina smirked at you. "It's your own fault, baby"

You sighed and folded your arms over your chest.

"So I guess I don't even have to ask what your plans for tonight are then." Winter joked.

"You're exactly right. I'm going to give Karina a little taste of her own medicine." You smiled before kissing her cheek. "Another night just like last night sounds fun."

Karina hummed as you kissed her neck softly.

"I'll be sure to give you a bunch of hickeys and make you feel just as good as you make me feel... and then you can suffer through the heat while you try to hide them from your parents tomorrow."

Her brown eyes went wide as she remembered the lunch you both have with them in the morning.

You smirked and sipped on your drink, more than ready to get a little revenge after all the teasing she and the girls put you through today.

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