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When Li Qinghe realized she wasn't here to make a joke, she let her in. Although they were recently busy moving to the new house and preparing for the banquet, they were also vaguely aware that something was wrong at home.

After letting her inside the courtyard, Li Qinghe did not take her into the house. As she pointed her finger to the stool at the edge of the yard, she motioned her to sit there. Li Qinghe squatted down again to watch Zhou Chengkang's actions.

Zhang Haiyao did not sit and just stood by the side of the chair, holding her waist. As she watched Zhou Chengkang's movements, she couldn't help asking, "Why are you putting this much effort into raising this dog? It can be kept under the eaves or in the woodshed. You guys also... dogs are everywhere, why do you need to raise an injured one?"

Zhou Chengkang said casually, "I just happened to meet it, so I decided to raise it. Anyway, there's nothing to do, and I don't want to go out, so I'm looking for something to pass the time."

Since she didn't speak, neither of them asked any more questions. Li Qinghe helped carry the planks and build the dog house with great care.

Since they did not ask, Zhang Haiyao walked around in the courtyard and praised, "This house is so spacious. The one in my town is bigger than this, but unfortunately, it's too far away to be convenient."

It sounded as if she would move there if it were closer. Li Qinghe didn't even look up and simply made a muffled sound as though she heard her.

"You probably won't go back to the old room, won't you?" Zhang Haiyao asked again, her tone tentative.

Li Qinghe immediately understood what Mei Shi and her had been up to lately when she heard this question.

Zhang Haiyao had a straightforward personality, or more precisely, she was too lazy to hide her feelings from the Zhou family. This was true the moment she reached out and touched her belly. "I've been pregnant for six months now. The baby will be born after Chinese New Year and will have no home to live in."

The house belonged to the Zhou family. Li Qinghe waited patiently for her to continue and didn't ask.

Likewise, Zhang Haiyao did not require her to ask and continued, "In any case, you won't be living in your old house anyway, so I suggest you lend it to us...or rent it to me and I'll pay the rent."

The last sentence was quite plausible.

Whenever it came to such a thing, it was natural to lend when the relationship was closer. But Zhou Chengkang's relationship with his Eldest Brother and Third Brother was really cold, and the same was true for his relationship with his Second Brother Zhou. However, they weren't as affectionate, so they decided to let it go. Furthermore, both of them wanted it. So, to whom would it be given, and who was to offend?

Li Qinghe would not do this kind of thankless work, so it was impossible to let them borrow it.

"I won't keep it a secret from you. Elder Sister-in-law wants the house too. She wants to give it to Old Lady Liu to live." Zhang Haiyao held her waist. "We can negotiate the price."

Li Qinghe became interested. "How much do you plan to give me for a year?"

Zhang Haiyao held out a hand. "Five taels."

Li Qinghe was speechless. Seeing her expression, Zhang Haiyao said, "Five taels are quite a lot, and I know you don't lack them. But that house will also be empty. How could the house be left empty for several years when no one lives there? Take that into consideration."

When Li Qinghe used to work in the town, five teals of silver were her two and a half months of wage.

With a plan in mind, Li Qinghe nodded. "Okay, you give me the silver, I'll write a deed and rent it to you for a year."

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