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Since the Zhao family was busy accommodating the guests in the house, they couldn’t eat sufficiently.

Mrs. Zhou took out the meat and vegetables and cooked them for everyone. Everyone helped him. It was about to get dark when the food was finally ready to serve. Just when they were about to eat, someone knocked on the door.

Today was the first day of the new year, except for the neighbors, they were not expecting any visits. Mrs. Zhou went to open the door.

Then they heard her call from outside, "Fifth child......"

Fifth sister Zhou lifted the curtain and went out. Soon Mrs. Zhou came back, "Zhao Liyuan is here to talk with fifth child. Let us continue with our dinner."

She picked up the bowl, put a piece of meat in it, and handed it to Zhang Haiyao.

Zhang Haiyao married into the Zhou family a long time ago. Because of the dowry incident as well as her domineering temperament, Mrs. Zhou never served anyone else before. This was the first time Mrs. Zhou treated her with kindness while she smiled, "Mother, if you ever face such kind of situation in future, just look for me."

Mrs. Zhou spitted out two words, "Crow's mouth1."

It quickly dawned on her. Zhang Haiyao slapped her mouth, "Sorry, I said something terrible."

Fifth sister Zhou didn't stay outside for a long time and soon brought Zhao Liyuan in along with her.

After entering the door, Zhao Liyuan bowed to Mrs. Zhou, "Auntie, I kept silent earlier. Even later, I went back and gave it a thought and felt something wasn’t right.. So, I've come to explain it to you."

Mrs. Zhou restrained the smile on her face and put down her chopsticks, "I really want to hear your explanation."

Zhao Liyuan took a deep breath, "Rongrong and I grew up together. I really adored her. Later, when we grew older, she said that she felt the same for me too, and then we decided to get engaged and later, get married to each other..."

Hearing this, everyone in the room showed some kind of frown.

"But later, she and my third brother got married. They suddenly got engaged and got married last month." Zhao Liyuan lowered his head while his voice became thinner, "I went to my third brother, and found out that Rongrong was in love with my third brother for a long time. After knowing this, I don't care about her like before anymore. The fifth sister is so kind and good, I will also be good to her in the future. Today in front of all my brothers, sisters-in-laws and auntie, I can guarantee that in the future if you feel I did not do a good job in taking care of her, feel free to beat me."

His attitude was serious as well as sincere and so was his tone.

Mrs. Zhou's expression softened. It no longer mattered who was in his heart before as long as he lived a good married life with fifth sister Zhou..

"Come over and eat."

Zhao Liyuan's eyes sparkled as he properly sat at the table. After eating, he helped to take dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen.

When Mrs. Zhou saw how helpful he was being, she was even more satisfied. After the dishes were cleaned up, she sought him out to talk, "talking about that third sister-in-law of yours, it's true that quite a few men have their hearts set on her, isn't it?"

Zhao Liyuan was silent for a moment before speaking, "I don’t know anymore, I just thought she was naive and simple and liked to make friends. But then I learned that she has many good male friends. Besides me and the third brother, there are two other cousins of mine, and there seem to be two or three in her grandfather's ancestral village."

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