sixteen | snow-covered fields

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I'm standing in an empty mall. 

I hear laughing around me. Movement. But I don't see anything. I keep on spinning around but no one is around me. 

"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello!" I yell out. My words echoe off of the walls. The laughing becomes louder. 

I hear footsteps approach me. I keep on turning around, but no one is there. Suddenly I hear the click of a gun.

I'm knocked to the ground by pain. 

Tears spring into my eyes. 


A man comes up behind me. "No one is here. You're all ALONE!"

I gasp. 

I'm in my bedroom. 


My heart is beating against my chest. It's pounding. I feel my throat closing up. My lungs are tightening. I can't suck in air. 

The door opens. I hear footsteps approach me, but my vision is blurred by tears. A soft voice fills my ears. 

"Breathe in with me, alright, Ev? Just follow my breathing," The voice says. I listen. The voice is still unrecognizable. 

Who is it? Which brother would be wandering the halls and see me inside my bedroom, having a panic attack? 

It must be Sullivan. But wouldn't he call me "sweetheart"? 

"Sullivan?" I get out. The person laughs, and continues rubbing my back. 

"No, it's Cassian." 

I blink tiredly. The words don't really click into my brain. I slump into my brother's grip, and fall back asleep almost instantly. 


When I wake up, I'm alone in my room. Light pours into it through the window. Were the blinds open last night? 

I sigh, and slide out of bed. I gingerly walk to the window, mindful of my leg. Snow falls down softly, landing on the once bright green lawn. 

Christmas is a week away. 

And today is my first day of mandatory therapy. I'm still boycotting Alexander because of it. He just seems to be amused. 

It's frustrating. 

I glance down at my leg, and roll up the loose pant leg. The wound is healing nicely. Alexander assured me I wouldn't have a scar. Apparently we're too rich to have to worry about such things. 

I limp over to my bathroom, and prepare myself for the day. I shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and by the time I step back out, I smell like fresh roses. 

Aurora enters the bedroom. She smiles at me. "Good morning, Evelyn. How is your leg?" 

"It's better now," I answer vaguely, wincing slightly as I take another step. I'm just desperate to get out of that bed. 

After years of sleeping on thin, hard mattresses, I'm shocked at myself for wishing to be free from the restraints of the luxurious bed in front of me. 

Aurora raises an eyebrow at me. "You're positive? If you're not fully healed, you could damage your muscles by moving too extensively." 

I immediately nod. "No, no. I'm perfectly healthy now. I'm just a bit sore from being put on bedrest for a whole week." 

She nods hesitantly. I smile, and disappear into my closet, coming back out clothed in a pair of light blue jeans and a knitted green sweater. 

I let my hair fall loosely around my arms, and quickly slid into a pair of white trainers before following Aurora downstairs to the dining room. 

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