twenty | house of criminals

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The Clemente's mansion is on the mainland, a short walk to the beach. It's surrounded by tall green trees and other million-dollar mansions. 

It's the opposite of isolated. 

A wide smile appears on my face as the car pulls up to the front door. "Wow... can we live here?" I ask, gaping at the home. 

"You don't like our house?" Logan asks, a smirk on his face. 

I roll my eyes. "We live in the middle of nowhere." 

"That's for security reasons," Sullivan chimes in. 

"The Clementes are powerful, too. How come they get  to live by other people?" 

"You ask too many questions, Ev," Zachary chuckles, ruffling the top of my pristinely styled hair. I scoff loudly, smoothing my hair down. 

"Why can't you answer me?" 

"We don't need to answer your questions, Evelyn," Alexander sighs, taking a swig of vodka. I narrow my eyes at him. 

I can't reply because we stop in front of the Clementes' front door. Cassian hops out first, followed by the rest of us. 

A woman wearing a similar uniform to Aurora's opens the door, welcoming us with a kind smile and organized instructions. 

"The valets will take your things to your bedrooms. Please, come in, come in. The Clementes are in the parlor," She rushes, turning on her heel and motioning us inside. 

The interior is more extravagant than the outside. High ceilings with gold details. Elegant artifacts. Marble floors. 

Opening the door, the maid steps aside so my brothers and I can enter. The seven Clementes occupy the seats. Luke told me all about them on the ride here. 

Leonardo, the Don, sits in a luxurious chair next to his wife's one, Lucie. Their eldest son, the heir, Alfonso, shares a double-seated sofa with Atticus. The three youngest sit on another sofa. 

All of these people are murderers. 

Lucie, too, probably. Even if she's smiling sweetly. Lucie is the first to stand up and walk towards us, me particularly. 

"Oh, Evelyn! How much you've grown," She pauses to hug me tightly. I awkwardly reciprocate it. "If you ever need anything, come to me, alright? I've missed having girls around!" 

One of her sons— Ace, I think— scoffs. "Really, Mama? I'm not good enough for you?" 

Lucie rolls her eyes playfully, turning to face the boy. "Be quiet, Ace. Unless you want to start wearing dresses and painting your nails." 

His twin smiles and nods. "For sure. Definitely do that. We can call you... Alice." Ace smacks his twin in the arm. 

Leonardo suddenly stands, glaring at his youngest sons. He strolls to Alexander, shaking his hand firmly. "Welcome to my home, Alex. You've become a great man." He slaps his shoulder in a fatherly way. 

Alexander nods, cracking a smile. "Thank you, Leonardo. Are the Monets here yet? Or the Bertellis?" 

"The Monets decided to arrange for a villa near ours."


"Yes. They've run into some family matters, but nonetheless, they'll be attending dinner. My! So long since we've all been together." 

Alexander nods. "Quite a long while." 

Lucie smiles at me. "Come with me, Evelyn. Let's get away from these men, shall we?" She asks. I glance over at my brothers, who have dispersed around the room, talking to the Clemente men. 

The Runaway SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora