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Tanya Lake

Tea. She said it. What do I do. She's in danger and I have no idea where to find her.

Then I remember the time Isabella told me she wrote a note to Valentino before she left. In that note she had written down Dante's location. I need to find Valentino.

Now I just need to remember the address Isabella told me. She had mentioned it once. Was it... mount... ark? I start googling and a familiar name pops up. I got it! It's Mount Arce.
I don't know the exact house but I don't think it'll be hard to figure out. I mean she did say it was a mansion with guards and shit.
Time to leave. I'm coming to help you Bella just hold out.

I take the bus to the address. I follow the map on my phone. When I arrive i look around for a house that sticks out. And it's not so hard to guess which one it is. The place is huge. They even have a gate with guards watching it. How much is this place worth. Gosh. I stand in front of the gate. Im pretty sure the guards won't let me in. "I'm here to meet Valentino" i say like i have met him before. I don't even know what the man looks like.

One of them turn to me. "He dosnt have any meetings today." He says. I nervously laugh. So it is his house then.
"Well... it's important and I need to meet him" I say. They could care less. Great so now I can't even talk to the man. Ugh.

I see someone walk out of the door. I yell from where I am standing. "Heeeyyy!" I wave my arms in the air. The guards grab my arms and pushes me a little. Like a warning. I keep yelling at the man walking down the stairs. "Valentino!!!" I yell. I have no idea if that is even him because he doesn't respond or look my way.

"Hey! shut up and leave or this will end bad" one of the guards tell me. I roll my eyes. The man steps in his car and drives towards the gate where I am standing. The guards open the gate doors for the car. It's a black Mercedes. He's in the backseat and I immediately start to knock on his window. "I have to talk to you!" I yell from outside the car. This man doesn't even look at me.
One of the guards grab my arms. Pulling me away from the car. "No let go!" I yell.

"Please...ISABELLA IS IN DANGER!" I scream loud enough for everyone to hear. And finally the man puts up his hand in the air so the driver stops the car.

He rolls his window down and now actually looking at me. "How do you know Isabella." he says in a low voice.

"I'm her best friend and I think something might have happened to her" I say while the guard is still holding my arms tight. It is starting to hurt.

"Get in the car" the man says. He nods to the guard and my arms are free. I hesitate a little as I slowly get in the car. If this is how I find Bella I will do it.

It's quiet for a while. "Is she hurt?" Is the first thing he asks. "I...i don't know" I say sounding helpless.

"I came here because I think that she's been kidnapped" I say and try to read his face. He's quite hard to read. He doesn't show much.

"Before she left she was very scared. She said that she was being followed and had to leave. But before that we had an agreement, that she would use a secret word if she was ever in trouble, and today she used that word when she called me" I say. I can't tell much from his face but it seems like he is stressed?
His fingers tap fast against his knee.

"I think she is at..." I get interrupted by him.
"Dante, he has her am I right? And you came to me because I know where he lives" he says and I nod.

"I will call the cops as soon you give me the address, I have to help her" I say. But he didn't like that.

"No I'll handle it. Do not call the cops" he says warning me. I guess he's made some illegal things since he doesn't want the cops to know about him. I mean he's in the mafia and owns a gun the police wouldn't take that very well.

"But how will we help her" I ask confused.

"You haven't met me, I'm pretty good at what I do, especially when it comes to killing Dante" he says and I open my eyes so wide out of terror.

"W...what... you aren't going to really kill him, will you?" I say so scared. I mean Isabella did say they were dangerous and used guns on a daily basis but this is too far. I don't want to commit a crime. He does not answer my question which scares me.

The car stops. "Get out" he says. Well he is in fact not normal.

"But what about..." he cuts me off again.

"I said get out. I'm going to take care of it. She'll call you when I'm done" he says and I give him a dirty look.

"She's my friend I'm coming with you" I say as he sighs.

"If you want to die, be my guest. You will not make it out if you come" he says and I am silent. Maybe I'll let him take care of it. Can I really trust that he will save her. What if he kills her instead. Like Isabella said, both Dante and Valentino wanted to kill her. But it doesn't seem like that's what Valentino would do. Since he wants to save her. I hope I am right.

"Promise me she'll be safe with you" I say because I need to know for sure.

"I don't know what she told you but I would never hurt Isabella" he says as I give him a nod. I step out of the car as he drives off.

I hope I made the right decision.

So we got Tanyas POV today hope you liked it!

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