25. Sleepover

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Isabella Rose

"Omg wait so you guys had sex!" Tanya screams inside the cafe. I press my hand onto her mouth. "Quiet please" I whisper looking around not wanting any attention.

I remove my hand. "I need all the details" she says sipping on her hot chocolate.

I laugh. "It was crazy. He said I was his woman" I say and Tanyas jaw is on the floor. "No freeking way. He is so in love with you" she says.
I blush at the thought of Valentino telling me he loves me. Probably won't happen anytime soon but I would love to hear him say it.

"What about your life anything exciting?" I ask changing the subject.

"Nope nothing new, it's the same boring life" she says while adding a deep sigh in the end of her sentence.

"Alright you are coming with me, let's go to the mansion" I say wanting to introduce my friends there. Also I need to talk to Matteo.

We drink up and then take the car Valentino sent for me back home.

I lead Tanya inside. "Oh look there is Matteo" I say running up to him. He looks tired.
"How are you Matteo" I ask he nods while saying "I'm fine"

Tanya comes up and I introduce them.
"So this is Tanya... Tanya this is Matteo" I say as they both shake hands.

"So nice to meet you" Tanya says excited. He does not return the excitement but he gives her a little smile.

Valentino walks through the front door. I suppose he's back from the training. He looks so hot in that tight shirt and sweatpants.
"You're drooling" Tanya whispers from beside me. I push her. "I am not" we giggle.

Valentino spots me and slides his hand in mine. Pulling me to the stairs. "We need a moment" Valentino excuses us.

He leads me to his room and closes the door behind him. "What are you doing I was introducing my friends down there" I say as he grabs my hands and pulls them behind my back. Our bodies touching.
"I haven't seen you all day today" he says then kisses me.
I melt into the kiss.

I pull away slightly. "We should head back, I really want them to get along" I say not wanting to leave Tanya alone.

He smirks. "I think they'll survive love"
His eyes are looking at my lips and it's so hard to not kiss him right now.
"Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?" I say.

"Yeah? Well I guess we have to take some clothes off then" he teases tugging at my shirt. I laugh.

"Oh fuck it" I say as I grab his face pulling him down to kiss me again.


"Quick put your clothes on we are going to give Tanya a great time today" I say throwing Valentinos clothes on him.

We have been gone for 30 minutes. I run downstairs to find Tanya.

I hear her voice from the kitchen. "No way you made this! It tastes like a dessert from a 5 star restaurant" Tanya says as I step inside the kitchen.

Matteo and Tanya is eating dessert together. This went well I guess.
"Sorry for leaving you guys it was something...important" I say obviously lying.
Matteo smiles rolling his eyes. "I'm sure it was veeery important" he says making Tanya laugh.

"You should take a look at your makeup girlie" Tanya says and I get so embarrassed. I was in such a hurry to not make it obvious that we had sex I forgot to touch my makeup. The lipstick I had on is probably smudged all over my face.

"Don't worry we are just joking with you" Tanya adds.

"Ha ha you guys are so funny" I say sarcastically as I take a seat with them.
"Was it that obvious that we..." I can't even finish the sentence.
They both look at each other and nod. Oh god. Great.
We all laugh together.

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