3. To Make A Home

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Steve entered the director's chamber, greeted by a nod from Fury to take a seat across from him. As Steve settled in, Fury began sharing the latest information on Virus-Y. The virus takes hold within thirty hours, attacking the left brain and blocking the spinal cord with a release of yellow fluid, mainly affecting the hindbrain. This leads to a significant impact on intelligence and respiratory processes. Initial symptoms include itching in the infected area and an intense thirst for warm substances, with blood becoming a tempting target.

Steve processed the grim details, narrowing his eyes at Fury. "Why hasn't the government issued a cautionary advisory?"

Fury shrugged nonchalantly, "We're still not sure if this virus can transmit physically, not sure about its mode of transmission between people. We've only had 36 cases in the last two weeks."

Steve's eyes widened, "Thirty-six in two weeks, and your team can't find a clue?" He dropped a plastic pouch onto the table, and Fury examined the three-inch-long glass tube inside. It was the same tube Steve had sent to Scott Lang for examination through Sam. 

Fury inquired, "What is this?" 

Steve sighed, "A much more powerful version of LSD, capable of inducing strange transformations in the human body. We found this chemical in the blood sample of the infected we caught in the casino. His organs responsible for producing RBC are gone, and this drug is the reason."

Fury nodded slowly, absorbing the gravity of the situation then asked, "Seller?" 

Steve shook his head, "Unauthorized. But if you find this substance in all the infected people, then it's a major concern, Director. There might be thousands, millions of people who might have consumed this drug. You better do something very soon."

With that, Steve stood up and walked out, leaving Fury to grapple with the urgency of the situation and the dark reality of a potentially widespread and dangerous substance affecting countless lives.

The next day arrived, and Natasha, after a restless night in isolation, eagerly awaited the clock to strike 6 in the morning. As her anxious mind raced, she felt a sense of relief when morning finally came, and she showed no signs of the virus's effects. Maria Hill, teasing her about her terrible state, allowed her to leave isolation.

However, Natasha's relief was short-lived as they discovered that Ramlow was missing from his isolation room. Panic set in as they reviewed the CCTV footage, revealing Ramlow walking out of his cell around 3 in the early morning. The mystery of his disappearance raised concerns throughout the facility. The question loomed: Where did he go?

The team, grappling with the uncertainty of Ramlow's actions, suspected the worst. The possibility that he might be infected with the virus added a layer of tension and fear. Despite this looming threat, they shifted their focus to finding Ramlow, conducting a search throughout the facility.

Steve parked his car in front of the SHIELD premises, and Natasha got in. As they started driving, he sensed her bad mood and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?" 

She sighed, explaining, "A teammate of mine who was isolated with Barton and me is nowhere to be seen. He's missing." 

Steve's alert level rose, and he asked, "Was he infected?" She shook her head, replying, "Don't know. We're still looking for him. I personally think... he is up to something."

The conversation lapsed into silence as they pulled over at a restaurant for breakfast. Natasha, who hadn't eaten in the last 24 hours, playfully ordered a hearty breakfast. Steve chuckled and, in between bites, asked about her stay. She casually mentioned, "In SHIELD quarters." 

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