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As Natasha's phone shattered the morning silence with its urgent ringtone, she answered it only to be greeted with devastating news. The day couldn't have started off worse. Steve, still wearing the vestiges of sleep in his eyes, walked into the room," Good morning..."

The shadows of concern darkened his features as he asked, "What's wrong, detective?"

Natasha, her voice laden with a sense of urgency and a flicker of fear, relayed the unsettling news. "Ramlow is infected by the yellow thing. He is transferred to the viral confinement." Her eyes involuntarily darted to the scratch on her wrist, a silent acknowledgment of the potential danger that lurked.

Steve's immediate reaction was to shield the scratch with his hand, a protective gesture to offer her reassurance. "Don't. Don't look at it. You're fine," his voice was firm, his gaze unwavering as he sought to instill confidence in her. She nodded with a confident sigh, and both headed to their work. 

Dropping Natasha at the SHIELD facility, Steve tried to shake off the foreboding feeling that clung to the air. He headed to his station, but fate had other plans. Upon entering the facility, Natasha was greeted by Nick Fury, the stern leader of the virus control team. His grave expression hinted at the severity of the situation.

Nick addressed Natasha, "You need to come with us for a test, Ms. Romanoff." Confused, she inquired about the nature of the test. Fury revealed, "Brock Ramlow had a scratch on his neck." The revelation hit her like a wave, and she reluctantly followed Fury, heading towards the virus special hospital for an examination that could unveil the invisible threat lingering in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Steve, unaware of the unfolding events, stopped by the facility to return Natasha's forgotten phone. Encountering Maria Hill, he casually explained his presence. To his dismay, Maria informed him that Nick Fury had taken Natasha to the virus confinement just moments ago.

Panic surged through Steve, fearing that Natasha might be suspected and isolated as a potential carrier of the infection. In a rush of worry, he sprinted out, his mind racing with the ominous possibilities awaiting Natasha in the depths of the confinement.

The tension escalated as Fury and Natasha approached the virus confinement, their destination almost within reach. Suddenly, a car abruptly halted in front of them at the final checkpoint, overtaking with urgency, causing Fury to slam on the brakes. Natasha's initial panic subsided when she realized it was Steve, but her relief was short-lived as she saw him pointing his gun at Fury.

Confusion clouded Fury's expression as he stepped out of the car with his hands raised, while Natasha followed suit, attempting to defuse the tense situation. "Steve?! What are you doing?" she called out, trying to understand his actions.

With steely determination, Steve kept his gaze fixed on Fury, his finger firmly on the trigger. "Nat, get in the car. You're absolutely fine. He can't force you." The worry in Steve's eyes was palpable, a testament to his concern that Fury might be attempting to confine Natasha like the other infected.

Understanding Steve's worry, Natasha approached him, gently placing her hands over his tightly gripped gun. With a reassuring touch, she guided his hand downward, maintaining her hold on his. "I'll just take a test here. I'm here willingly," she assured him, a hint of mischief in her smile as she lightened the mood.

Steve visibly relaxed, closing his eyes in relief as he finally let go of the tension he had been holding. Natasha couldn't help but smirk at his reaction. "You underestimate me, Rogers. I'm working in the anti-terror squad, remember?" she teased, reminding him of her capabilities.

Steve nodded, managing a smile as he realized his overreaction. Fury, observing the exchange, shook his head in mild amusement. "Detective Rogers, I understand you were worried about your friend, but..." he began, but Steve interjected firmly, correcting him, "My wife," he stated, emphasizing his relationship with Natasha as he held her hand.

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