Chapter 6: A noble guest

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They are eating a late breakfast. Lady Blithisfield and Edwina were in the breakfast room at a normal time but the two German princes appeared later as the day before. 

"Good morning, my dears", Lady Blithisfield welcomed them as they walked through the door. "It was a long night, wasn't it?"

"It is also great to see you, my lady", Prince Carl replied with a broad smile on his face while his brother murmured a simpler greeting.

Edwina doesn't matter what the two princes did the last night. Well ... of course she is interested in what the other guests of her host are doing in their freetime but after her arrival and warm greeting she feels just ... good and relaxed. 

The sun shines through the window on her face. She leans back and closes her eyes. A smile comes to her face. 

The princes are respectable and behave very courteously towards her. She had her doubts about The Queen's wishes but now that she is here Edwina has the feeling that it was indeed a good idea to turn backs on London.

Here is noone who knows here story. Noone who raises his eyebrows when she passes his way on the street. 

And although she really has no interest in thinking about a man - or even marriage! - at the moment, she likes Prince Friedrich. He is a bit reserved but very polite and caring. Of course she won't do anything just to please The Queen, that's for sure. But who knows ... Maybe they would become friends. That would be nice. And everything else ... was a topic for another day. 

A clearing ot the throat pulls her out of her thoughts.

Edwina opens her eyes and looks to Prince Friedrich -  Lady Blithisfield and Prince Carl follow her example. The breakfast was until now more or less in gluttonous silence but now Prince Friedrich expresses: "Lady Blithisfield, I would like to ask you a favor."

"Always come out with it." Lady Blithisfield puts her cutlery aside. "How can I help my favourite prince?"

"I thought that was me?" 

"My heart has a lot of place for many favourites." She winks at Prince Carl, who poutes in mock frustration. 

"I wonder ...", Prince Friedrichs picks up the thread of conversation again, "whether we have room for another guest for dinner?"

"Oh, of course. I don't have any guests for this evening anyway. Who is the lucky one?", Lady Blithisfield asks what Edwina comes in mind at the same second. "A woman?"

A woman? Edwina didn't think about that possibility. Does the Dowager Countess mean ... a possible bride? But-

"It is Princess Charlotte of Wales."

"Princess Charlotte?" For the first time since Edwina's arrival Lady Blithisfield looks genuinely surprised.

Edwina, not less suprised, asks: "Is she really staying at Weymouth currently? I heard gossip in London about it but I wasn't sure."

"Yes, she is." Carl smiles at her - and towards Lady Blithisfield he adds: "So I can let her know that she can come?"

"Absolutely. I would be honored to host dinner for the future Queen."

"Wonderful. Thank you, Lady Blithisfield." With these words he stands up from his seat and puts his napkin aside. "I will send a servant. You'll excuse me? We will see us later." 

Lady Blithisfield and Edwina exchange surprise looks. 

"Friedrich, just a word with you." Prince Carl gets up from his seat opposite his brother and follows him. Prince Friedrich is already halfway of the door. "I have a question concerning our dear cousin Charlotte." 

It is the moment Edwina realizes that Prince Carl seems to be completely unimpressed about the announcement of the noble guest this evening. Does he know more than they do? And ... is it just a visit under family members - Princess Charlotte is, after all, the granddaughter of their aunt The Queen - or ... is it more? 

"Such a noble guest." Lady Blithisfield pulls her out of her thoughts. "Even I haven't had the pleasure to welcome a future monarch in my humble home. It is a great honour. I wonder why ..."

And so does Edwina.

"So, my dear brother. Cousin Charlotte?" Carl raises his eyebrows in amusement.

"Yes." Friedrich leans agains the banister in the hallway where they stand after leaving the breakfast room. "You don't have to grin like that. I told you that we spoke a few times."

"So did I and yet I don't invite her to dinner." He folds his arms over his chest. "Just tell me: Why?"

"Why not?" Friedrich nervously runs his hand through his hair. 

"Oh, come on, you like her, don't you?" He wouldn't bring up the scene in the garden last night. Friedrich only discovered him later among the others. His brother doesn't have to know everything.

Friedrich smiles shyly and innocently, just like he always does when he talks about his feelings. "Yes. I do. She is ... extraordinary."

Carl can't help but smiles. "I am really happy for you, Friedrich. You deserve to be happy. Nonetheless ... Do you two think our dear aunt will appreciate this relationship?"

"We don't talk about this topic that much to be honest." Friedrichs shrugs his shoulders. "You know that Charlotte's marriage negotiations are ... complicated."

Of course he knows. Half England knows.

Carl sighs quietly. He likes to adress one more point. "Friedrich, you will tell Miss Edwina about Charlotte and you, won't you?"

"Of course, yes." His cheeks turn a little red. "I wanted to tell her sooner but I didn't know how to do it. Our aunt mentioned in her letter that I should be good to her."

"You hope that she will understand it by herself when she sees the two of you together, don't you?" Carl smiles. "Good plan. Could have been mine."

"Indeed. That's what I hope. Maybe it won't be too hard this way." Friedrich sighs. "I feel somehow guilty about Miss Edwina. Hopefully she didn't get her hopes up too high. She is a nice woman and I don't want to hurt her feelings. But after dinner, maybe tomorrow, I'll talk to her."

"That's good." Carl takes a step towards him and pats him on the shoulder. "I knew you would tell her. You are the most sincere person I know."

"Thank you, Carl." Friedrich places his hand on his gratefully. 

"Oh, and by the way ...", his brother adds as he walks past Carl, "you are the most sincere person I know. Even though you're pretty good at hiding it." Then he is gone.

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