8) I need you.

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Walker's p.o.v:
During the call with Y/n, it felt magical. I caught her staring at me, making me blush, and it's annoying because I'm so pale that blushing just turns my face red. In the dim light, I don't think she noticed, but I sensed an uneasiness in her. I don't think it's because of me, but she seems off, not normal. I've been thinking about it all night, and on top of that, I asked her to hang out. Is that too bold? I mean, we've been texting for like two days, but I went ahead and asked her anyway. Is that weird? Maybe I should ask Aryan; he has a girlfriend but he usually doesn't talk about girls to me. I mean, sure, he has that side of him, and so does Leah, but it gets awkward for Leah and I whenever people ask about Percabeth. It feels like we're forced to have the same feelings in real life. I know she sees the ship edits, and I can't help but cringe because I can't ever see Leah like that. The first couple of days we met were worse, and I was shocked to find out she was flirting with me when we first met, as she mentioned in an interview. I hated how clueless I am to clear obvious signs. I can tell how people feel just by looking at their faces, but I cannot decipher texts or words. Aryan finds it funny when we're uncomfortable, and all he does is laugh. It kind of helps because it lightens the mood a little, but it gets on my nerves sometimes. I was playing Fortnite when I got a call. Y/n? Why is she calling me? I answered immediately.

"Walker... I need you," she says softly while crying.

My heart breaks at the tone of her voice. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I say hastily. I'm so worried that I immediately get up from my chair and start pacing around my room. "I'm scared. The drama. Who I am as a person. I hate everything," she says, pausing to breathe. I think she's hyperventilating or having a panic attack. "Y/n, breathe," I say, concerned. All I can hear is her quick, heavy breathing. "Y/n, answer me, please!" I say extremely worried. I don't know what to do. "Y/n, is your Snapchat location on?" I ask. "Y... yes," she finally answers. "Hold on. I'm coming," I say as I grab my jacket and rush downstairs. Dammit, the walk is too long. "Mom, can you please drop me off at Y/n's house?" I say. I'm freaking out, but I'm trying my absolute hardest to hide it from my mom. "Oh, that sweet girl? She was really nice. Oh, why? I guess so," she says, confused. "Can we please go now?" I say, rushing her. "Sure, hon. One minute," she says warmly. I could never be angry at my mom for long or even be slightly angry at her. Finally, we got in the car and arrived. I ran inside. "Bye, Mom!" I say. The door was left open, and I quickly entered. I rush to what looks like Y/n's room and find her curled up in a ball in the corner, surrounded by notebooks, AirPods, a religious teachings book? Oh, now I finally understood what she was trying to do. She was trying to calm herself down but clearly It didn't work, so I kneel down to her.

"Y/n, I'm here," I say.

She looks up at me, "I feel so lightheaded." She says, She started to look pale, and now I was getting really panicked. "FUCK," I say, scared out of my mind. Is she going to faint? My hands are on my head, and I'm pacing around. Don't freak out, help her. I collect myself, then I lift her up and place her on her bed. Tears are streaming down her face, but she's not sobbing hysterically now, at least. I hold her in my arms. "I feel sick. My mom went out. I'm sorry; I didn't know who to call," she says, fatigued. "Y/n, you're tiring yourself out from crying; please relax. I'm here for you and will always be here for you." Finally, she takes a deep breath, and she doesn't look pale anymore. Soon, she calms down, which calms me down too.

"What got you so scared?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry," she keeps repeating.

"Y/n, don't be sorry; you didn't do anything wrong." Now she was laying on top of my chest in my arms. "The story is long, I guess?" She says and sighs. "I'm sorry; I'm a sensitive person," she says, and tears well up in her eyes again. "Y/n, please stop saying sorry; it's fine," I say. "Sorry," she says, and we both laugh. Before, I was so focused on getting her calmed down I didn't realize her arms are wrapped around my waist and mine are around her shoulder. She wasn't super short, but she wasn't super tall, but definitely taller than Leah. Finally, she moves to the other side of the bed, and she lays her head on my leg. I'm so flushed, but I'm not uncomfortable around her. I pull a blanket and place it on her. "Explain to me what happened; I'm here to listen," I say, basically pleading for her to tell me. She didn't have a panic attack, at least; she just hyperventilated so much that it was tiring out her body, taking out all her energy, and it was making her feel faint. It's scary to think about what I would do if she did faint; I mean, fainting is also connected with health problems which makes it 10 times more worrying.

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