Sonic.Exe TD2DR: Carnage - Chapter 3 Universes of Universes

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~In another Universe~

Blood temple. Home of Exetior. A retlentless demon.
Exetior: finally. I have ruled over this world.
Everyone will bow down to me.

~Somewhere else in Blood temple~

Somewhere else in Blood temple a gray fox stands. His eyes closed. Dreaming when he was alive and not an undead servant for the cruel demon that is Exetior.

NU Tails.Exe: if only they knew that Carnage they will bring. I don't want another corrupt dimension... But there's nothing I can do.

He pauses

NU Tails.Exe: all I can do is sit and wait...

~In a nother corrupt dimension~

A figure sits in the edge of a cliff contemplating himself.
Exeller. One of the highest.
A demon with the power to clone and warp

Exeller sighs as another Gray fox stands behind him

Exeller: I was thinking... It's not right at all... You 3 died so fast... I didn't get any amusement out of it... Ill just reset the timeline... You three will survive... Will ya?

He snaps his fingers and the world goes white
~Back with the real Sonic and Tails~

Tails: these claw marks... The aren't from any other animal...

Sonic: look at the claw marks... There's... Blue liquid leaking out of it...

Tails is confused because he hasn't taken out the Tornado in months

Tails: I don't get it though. I haven't used the tornado in months. Lt alone take it out.

Sonic exits the garage to go watch the news

He sees something that is said that catches his eyes and eats

News reporter: hello there all you lovely people today I have the once in a lifetime opportunity to stand in front of an abandoned mine... But not just any mine. A mine that has been around since freedom War 1 back in the 1910s to 1930s. The mine surprisingly still has electric lights in it. The lights work perfectly and help illuminate the cave. But the best part of the cave is how big it is! It might look like any other cave. But the difference is how big it is! On the inside it looks like I could fit an entire city! There's lots of water flowing around but it can get really hot at times. But then something interesting has been resently occurring. Some people have spotted a familiar person walking near the cave at night. The suspect looks a lot like our beloved hero. Sonic the hedgehog. The only acception is that whatever this thing is. It's quills do have shiny tips. Well we will keep you updated on the Cave. Now for the weather!

Tails and Sonic stare at eachother after that.

Tails: a Hedgehog that looks exactly like you except glowing Tips on his quills? Where have I heard that before.....

Tails brainstorms where he could have seen something about an identical hedgehog with glowing quilltips.

Tails: I can't seem to remember where I've seen that description... I'll have to research...

Just then. Amy and cream enter the Workshop after eating ice cream.

Amy: we're back!~ she says in a singing type of tone

Sonic: hey Ames.

Sonic gives her a kiss on the cheek before heading into the kitchen to get some water
Amy questions what's wrong
Amy: is there something wrong?
Tails: The Tornados engine is all scratched u- wait no. Not scratch up. CLAWED. Up
Amy sees the Engine and goes concerned
Amy: but... you haven't taken it out in months...

Tails: That's what im saying!
Sonic intervenes on the Convocation
Sonic: apparently people have also been seeing something or someone that looks like me with glowing blue tips on the quills. It's odd because it does not make any sense. I mean. Glowing Tips? Sounds like something made by Eggman.

Tails: But Eggman has officially retired Evil! There's no way it could be him!

Sonic: I doubt it. I'll go ask him.

Amy: Sonic Wait!
Sonic zooms out in search for Eggman.

Amy: Oh! That stubborn Hedgehog!
Tails: Always thinking with his feet and not with his head...

Cream overhears the conversation and decides to say something.

Cream: now that I do think about it. Some of my friends at school did say that they saw someone who looked like Mr.Sonic with blue glowing tips on his quills. My friends even said that they saw that it had claws and the claws were as clear as water. I told them to keep a lookout just in case and to take a picture if possible.
Amy looks at Cream wanting to hear more
Amy: were they able to get a photo?
Cream: no. That said they haven't seen it in a while.

Tails: that's odd...

~With Eggman and Sonic~

Sonic finds Eggman in his bace just Playing cards with some robots he built.

Eggman: Ha! I win! And here I thought I was gonna lose.

Sonic: Yo Egghead! I got some questions!

Eggman: what do you want hedgehog...

Sonic seems skeptical
Sonic: I have a feeling your lying about this "Retirement".
Eggman: are you saying I'm still secretly working on Evil schemes?

Sonic: No... just skeptical. Reports have been going around that people have been seeing someone that looks like me with glowing blue tips on the quills. Seems like a type of Project Shadow deal

((In this AU Sonic was told about Project Shadow and since then has decided to not make fun of Shadow so much))

Eggman: Yes. I dose sound like something I would do. But I didn't. Look. I may have been able to give Infinite the power to control the Phantom Ruby. But that dose not mean I can just make a Clone of you! Now scram!

Sonic mumbles to himself

Sonic: clearly. We're dealing with something bigger...
Sonic says under his breath as he leaves.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy what's in store for this book! I really want to be able to write books like this! So if you can and want to support me! Follow! Bye!

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