Sonic.Exe TD2DR: Carnage - Chapter 4 The Darkblood

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Sonic returns to Tails workshop.

Sonic: So. It is not Eggman.

Tails: told you.

Amy: So the who or what could it be?

Sonic: Why don't we go Explore the cave?

Tails: Sonic... just because your a hero doesn't mean you can go wherever. That cave is under surveillance and no one from the outside is allowed in.
Sonic: True... well. We will just have to wait and see what else comes up.

It's now Nighttime and Cream has lost track of where Her Special Chao Friend Cheese went.
She enters Tails workshop
Cream: Miss.Amy have you seen. Cheese?
Cream enters looking around
Amy: no I haven't. Where was the last time you saw him?
Cream: Where the big Patch of Flowers is behind the workshop near the forest.
Amy: Well maybe he went off into the forest. Why don't we go look?
Cream: Ok! Let's get going!

The girls exit the Workshop

Tails then asks Sonic something

Tails: Hey Sonic! Would you be able to go look in Green hill for something I need?

Sonic: Yeah sure! What is it?

Tails: I've been getting readings of Chaos Energy in Green hill

Sonic: Alright I'll head out there!

Sonic zooms out of the workshop in the dead of night to green hill.
~In Green hill~
Sonic makes it to the spot that Tails said the Chaos energy was

Sonic: Alright bud. I'm here.
Tails talks to Sonic over an Ear piece.
Tails: Look around. It should be somewhere around where you are...
Sonic zooms around the place
Sonic: I can't seem to find anything...
Tails sees something on his Monitor
Tails: Keep running Straight! My Sensors are picking up more and more Chaos Energy!
Sonic continues running for 5 minutes
Tails: Nothing?
Sonic: Yeah it uh. Seems empty.
Tails: this is just getting odd. Come back to the lab. It's getting late.
Sonic: Alright.
Sonic doesn't notice a Shadowy Figure hiding in the trees observing him
Exe: perfect...
As Sonic runs back to the workshop he spots something... disturbing...
Sonic: T... Tails?
Tails: What's wrong?
Sonic: T... T... Theres a Pile of dead animals...
Tails sits out his juice

Tails: What?!
Sonic runs all the way back disturbed.
Sonic: The animals... they... they had the darkest blood I've ever seen... such a huge pile...
Sonic shows Tails a picture he took of the pile.

Sorry if this Chapter was short! There's going to be a handful of shot chapters! Mostly because I have terrible story telling. Hope you enjoyed!^^

Sonic.Exe the disaster 2D remake: CarnageWhere stories live. Discover now