-2: Roaming Around-

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Y/n breathes out a bit, groaning a bit. Her body shifting a bit. Eyes slowly opening to her surroundings she resting within.

Seems like she slept in her work room again.

Rising slowly, to feel something soft draped over her shoulders. Squinting. Her eyes gazed hazily at her shoulders. A blanket nestled agains her body.

How did that get there?

Y/n assumed she must've brought it with her while she entered to her work room to sketch new clothes for her office. Palms gently rubbing her eyes. Inhaling then exhaling. Standing up slowly. Feeling several pops within certain parts of body. Taking cane at hand. Pulling blanket off before heading towards the living room. Eyes half open. Duke yawned a bit. But kept himself within his own bed. Y/n folded the blanket up. Placing it onto her couches back. Her jaw opened to give out a yawn. Entering her room to change her clothes then returned to the kitchen. Taking a pen. Writing onto a paper of grocery's to be gathered. Pulling it off. Placing it into her purse. A thought came to her of these Smiling Critters that settled in Y/n's room. Maybe some small pillows to place around them? Checking time.

9:10 AM.

Thankfully it was cheap egg day. Y/n gazed at her list once more to make sure she wasn't missing anything that was important. Putting it back in place. Grabbing her keys, making them jingle a bit. Heading to the door with purse at the side of her body.

Y/n: "I'm going to right back Duke."

Duke made a huff noise as if to acknowledge her departure. Passing through her doors. Locking with a click.


Duke rose up, curiosity getting to him. Or just boredom. Getting out of his bed. Trotting towards Y/n's room. Nose twitchy. Floppy ears shaking side to side. Walking up towards the Smiling Critters that sat with a blanket around them. Pressing his nose onto Bobby, sniffing her. Nose tickling her stomach. In moment of slight silence. Bobby squeaked out. Giggling uncontrollably due to Duke's nose twitching against her body. Putting her tiny hands onto Duke's head. Petting him as the other Smiling Critters begin to move.

Dogday: "Is she gone?"

Catnap: "It appears so my canine friend. She would've appeared in her if she heard Bobby squeak."

Hoppy: "So that means we can roam around now!?"

Catnap: "Yes Hoppy. Just make sure not to break or move anything, don't want her to think that someone broke in now won't we?"

Hoppy hopped off before zooming into the living room while others climbed down to explore. Duke followed behind them. Dogday went towards the tv. His tail wagging as Bubba grabbed the remote examining it.

Bobby: "She has so many movies!"

Catnap swished his tail. Watching his fellow friends roaming around their new home. Kickin looked at the movies with Bobby. Flipping through them. Hoppy zoomed towards the book self. Her eyes held with wonder. Then she noticed something that caught her eye. A picture book labeled "Duke's adventures". Pulling it out slowly. Walking to the front with it.

Hoppy: "Hey look at what I found!"

Bobby came over quickly as Kickin remained near the movies. Hoppy opened the book. Seeing some pictures of what seemed to be Duke dressed up in different clothes.

Bobby: "Aw these are so cute!"

Dogday: "Hey Bubba know how to turn this on?"

Bubba: "I think so."

Craftycorn: "Hey Catnap. Have you heard anything about what might happen to us since that lady took into this room?"

Catnap: "Well my friend, we are certainly staying that is for sure. Along with that she plans to use us to make clothes."

Craftycorn: "S-She's gonna use us for parts?"

Catnap: "No no no Craftycorn. I believe what she means is use our bodies to help with cloth making. Like you learn to make new picture by using your imagination."

Craftycorn: "Oooooh."

Picky: "Oh I'm so hungry."

Catnap: "There should something you can eat that she won't notice is gone my friend, let's see."

Moving towards the kitchen. Peeling around a bit within cabinets. Seeing some tiny bag snacks, one being fruity like snacks made by Welch's Farm. Taking a bag then handing it to Picky. Who quickly open it to eat it. Craftycorn looks in Y/n's office. Climbing on her chair. Looking at what seems to be sketches of dresses and different clothing.

Craftycorn: "Oooooo."

Bubba examines the remote before pressing the power button. Causing the tv screen to come playing.... SpongeBob SquarePants. Dogday's eyes lit up. Climbing onto the couch next to Bubba. Kickin following suit. Catnap climbed into the window seal. His tail flicking a bit. Craftycorn flipped through sketches, her eyes sparkling. Hoppy placed the picture book back as Bobby climbed onto the couch. Duke hopped on. Resting next to them. Hoppy jumped onto the couch, helping Picky up. Their eyes focusing on the screen.

Dogday: "This show is funny!"

Bubba looked at the remote again, tapping on a plus sign. Making the volume go up a bit.

Bobby: "Craftycorn! Come in here there's a funny cartoon on!"

Craftycorn came in quickly, climbing onto the couch with them. Catnap watched his friends, tail swished again.

Tic tic tic....

Minutes ticked by slowly, the Smiling Critters enjoying this funny show called SpongeBob SquarePants. Which was new to them. Giggling at the wackiness happening. From being stung by jellyfish or attempting to drive a boat.

Kickin: "Hey I bet I could do those Karate moves!"

Hopping down. Attempting to intimidate SpongeBobs Karate. The others giggled a bit. Then something caught Catnap's attention. Y/n's car appearing.

Catnap: "My Smiling Critters. She's back."

Kickin yelped as he fell onto his rear as they quickly put everything back in place to make it seem what it was before. Y/n breathes out a bit, carrying some bags, heading up towards the door. The Smiling Critters quickly went back towards their spots. Y/n opened the door. Sighing out. Looking around before seeing Duke. Pulling a bone out from the bag, placing it in front of him. Y/n squinted. A feeling washing over her for a second.

Y/n: "Why do I feel like someone was in here?"

Y/n: "Why do I feel like someone was in here?"————————

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