-7: Movie Night-

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Y/n hummed a bit, moving some clothes around a bit as the Smiling critters waited patiently for their clothes to be given to them to put away in their drawers. Passing their Pj's to each one, making sure to give them two at a time so they wouldn't strain themselves nor get squished although clothes are light. Regardless she didn't want them to get hurt. After handing theirs, she begins folding her own. Y/n hummed a soft melody. Stacking each clothes in order. Grunting a bit, carrying the basket to her bedroom. Placing her night clothes up first before hanging working or daily clothes up. Y/n returned back towards the washer and dryer. Placing the basket up before shutting the doors. Yawning slightly. Walking to the living room before gazing at the calendar that hung in near her television. Checking what day it was. A good ol Friday in middle of the month. She knew what that meant towards her. Even from her youth.

Movie Night.

A night where everyone sits together and binges movies till midnight. Tis why she held a collection of kids movies that tugged at her heart since she was a child. But curiosity crept on. Looking towards the Smiling Critters. Each doing something different for themselves. What was pulling on her was did these children ever experience Movie night or even had movies? Having a feeling they haven't but she had to be certain.

Y/n:  "Dears."

They looked at her as she sat down.

Y/n: "When you were in that building.... Did you ever have day of watching movies? Like a movie day or have some time to watch movies at night? Possibly have any access to movies to watch together?"

They looked at each other before shaking their heads to her.

Bubba: "We never had access to movies miss Y/n. The TV's were too high for us to reach. When it comes to night.... They put us to sleep by gas...."

Y/n thoughts: This is what Catnap meant if I remember correctly of very unfortunate things happening to them.

Being put to sleep by gas by night, not having any chance to watch movies within night together with friends. Strictly limited to certain things. Painfully strict is what Y/n felt upon this. Having to follow rules which led them to unhappy caged life. Like tiny birds being held within their pens, never having a chance to spread their wings to fly for years due to eyes of those that did not give them their freedom. Shifting her jaw a bit. Truly agonizing. She lets out a breath. Well now they will get know what it's like to have a Movie Night. Since it was like a fun family like tradition to do ever since she was a kid. Now she could do it with them. So they will have a first experience of what's it like to sit together and watch a bunch of movies till midnight eating away at snacks.

Y/n: "Well today is a special day. Today is Movie Night."

Hoppy: "Movie Night?"

Kickin: "What's that?"

Y/n: "Movie Night is something people do every once in a while. They come together, sometimes in two or multiple to sit in the living room. Each taking a turns picking out movies they watch together. Eating some popcorn or other snacks that's in their taste. Snuggling under blankets. And it being dark so we get a better view of the movie."

Kickin: "Do you do this every night?"

Kickin sounded excited but Y/n chuckles.

Y/n: "No dear. With us it's sometimes different. Normally it's twice a month or once a month. Me its once of month due to my work dear. And today is the day I do my Movie Night along with y'all's first experience to this. Now let's get set up so we could have some fun."

Y/n slowly stood up, walking towards the hall cabinets. Grabbing some blankets.

Y/n: "Go ahead and change into your PJ's dears."

They gathered up, changing while Y/n head to the living room to set the blankets up. Leaning down, grabbing her stash of kid movies she bought over the years. Placing them onto the table in front of the couch. Duke hopped onto the couch, taking in his spot. Moving towards a microwave. Opening one cabinet. Taking out popcorn then some bowls. The Smiling Critters came out from the bedroom.

Y/n: "Dears, come here."

They formed near her side. Passing each a bowl to have their own popcorn. After a beep of the microwave. Waiting for it to cool down for a second before pouring popcorn into each bowl. Departing towards their spots onto the couch. Grabbing her bowl then gaining popcorn from a fresh bag she placed in. Heading over.

Y/n: "Dogday dear. You're up first to pick the movie."

Dogday hopped down, flipping through movie disc then grabbed one movie then placed it in then climbed back onto his spot. Settling in. Pushing play after turning on everything. Turning off a lamp beside her. Minutes became hours. Peacefulness held along with silence. Bundled together with Catnap laying on her lap as their eyes focused on each movie that played by each Smiling Critters that took turns with you being last.

One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Winnie The Pooh


Bugs Bunny Movie

Charlotte's Web

Chicken Little


Cats Don't Dance

Mary Poppins

In time. The Smiling Critters begin to yawn. Which Y/n took notice. Smiling a bit.

Y/n: "Alright everyone I think it's time for bed."

Kickin: "But we're...."

He yawns.

Kickin: ".... Not tired."

Y/n chuckles a bit.

Y/n: "Sure you're not dear. Come on, time for bed."

Slowly putting their bowls onto the table. Picking up each Smiling Critter into her arms. Trying to wake them up. Duke hopped down then headed towards the bedroom. Placing them down gently onto the bed then tucked them in. Grabbing PJ's of her own. Changing quickly. Going back out to clean off each bowl before returning back in. Duke laid with Bobby. Who snuggled into him. Y/n went to her side. Sliding under sheets. Stretching a bit before turning off her lamp. Placing her head onto her pillow before darkness took her eyes. Allowing slumber to take its course.


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