5 - First Day

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I stare up at the fortress that is Frostwing Academy, the acrid stench from the train lingering in my nostrils. The first time I was here, I paid it no mind, intent on getting inside and pleading my case to be accepted. Now I stand at the edge of the vast courtyard and realize that this will be my home for as long as it takes to pay off my debt. Saints save me.

"This is it, eh?" My brother William tips his top hat back and scratches near his hairline. "Never thought I'd find myself here one day." He pauses and looks down at me. "Especially you."

I shoot my brother a dirty look and adjust the ribbon on my bonnet as a strong gust of wind threatens to knock it off. How is one supposed to go outside without having everything blown into disarray?

William chuckles wryly and offers me his arm. For someone who has spent the last six months deep in his cups, annoying the members of his gentlemen's club with his relationship woes, my brother is remarkably nonchalant about his middle sister riding gryphons for a living. I suppose it's better than the alternative.

Mother, of course, refused to see me off. Ever since Father failed to get Dean Yoren to cancel my contract, she's remained in bed most days with a cold compress on her forehead. Mathilda begged to come, but Mother would have none of it. Of the four of them, it's my little sister I'll miss the most.

"Look at that."

I look up, following the line of William's finger. Circling the towers of the fortress academy is a group of three gryphons: one grey, one brown, and one black. Their riders are hunched over the gryphons' necks, moving in sync with the great beasts as they drop lower and lower, massive wings outstretched. I clutch my suitcase tightly as the trio coasts over the parapets and drop out of sight behind the academy. My breath catches in my chest and I swallow against the rising panic.

That will be me, soon—if the gryphon doesn't kill me first.

William nudges me. "Rethinking your decision, little sister?"

My chin lifts sharply, eyes narrowing at the smirk that stretches across his face. "I wouldn't be here if you had gotten off your arse and found employment!" I snap, directing my unease towards William.

The smirk vanishes, replaced by thinned lips and a set jaw. "That was a low blow, Livvy," he growls. "It's not that easy."

I raise an eyebrow and gesture at the academy. "It seems to be very easy, Willy."

William grimaces at the childhood nickname. "Let's get you inside and settled before I forget my manners." He reaches down and grabs the handles of my other suitcase, making for the academy doors with long, purposeful strides.

An unladylike snort rises to the surface and I lift a gloved hand to my face, turning it into a cough. Forget his manners? Saints preserve me from another scandal!

I hurry across the courtyard as demurely as possible, catching up to William on the academy steps. My brother studies the massive oak and iron doors, scarred by claws and stained by soot from a long-ago fire.

"Is anyone here to show us in?"

My lips curl into a half-smile as I reach forward and grab one of the massive iron rings that serve as a handle. "We show ourselves in." I grit my teeth and tug. The look of surprise on my brother's face is priceless as the giant door easily swings open, quiet as a whisper.

"I fear for your safety, sister, if this is all that stands between you and an intruder."

"We have far more defenses than you realize, young master."

The deep, rolling voice causes William and I to jump. The handle of my suitcase slips through my fingers and lands with a thud on a worn blue rug just inside the door.

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