6 - New Quarters

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"Ah, Matriarch Yalla, Pol. Please, come in."

William's chair rocks as he whips his head around. Burying my fear deep inside, I rise to my feet as gracefully as Mother taught me. The red gryphon glares as he enters the room, every feather slicked close to his skin. It only serves to highlight the muscles of his chest and shoulders, reminding me once again of how dangerous they are.

"Oh, and shut the door. Thank you," Professor Valeron says as Pol pauses. The red gryphon turns slightly and pushes the blue door shut with one forepaw.

"It's nice to see you again, Herleva," the white gryphon says, her tone light and airy like a windswept hill.

It's so strange to watch their beaks form words, to say my name. I bob a curtsey, then tug at William's sleeve. "Get up," I hiss through pleasant lips.

William lurches upright and bows stiffly to the female. Yalla inclines her head, ear tufts pricking forward.

"Sit, sit, everyone," Professor Valeron says, gesturing with both hands. William and I reclaim our chairs while the gryphons rest on their haunches nearby. William tilts his chin up, jaw slightly slack as he stares at the white gryphon's head hovering above his own. The matriarch cocks her head slightly and winks, causing William to flinch in surprise.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start," the professor begins, folding her hands together inside those wide sleeves. "Firstly, let me welcome our two newest recruits, Herleva Montrose and Pol Roninsson. I am Professor Jan Valeron and I will be your advisor while you are under training. You have chosen a challenging path, but the rewards are well worth it in my opinion."

On the far side of the room, Pol makes a small rumbling sound deep in his throat. The professor ignores it, but his mother narrows her eyes in rebuke.

"Because Herleva is five years older than our typical recruits, we had to make some creative decisions in regards to her schedule. Thankfully, due to your private education, you are ahead of your peers," she says, favoring me with a small smile.

My eyebrows lift slightly. I was beginning to think that I'd be stuck with a group of children. By the saints, something has gone right!

"However," the professor continues, "this means that you will be spending most of your day in flight classes." She pulls out a sheet of paper, spins it around, and pushes it across her desk towards me.

As I reach for the schedule, Pol interrupts. "And what am I to do while she's in class all day?" His leonine tail thumps on the worn rug like a heavy piece of rope.

Professor Valeron's braids sway as she looks at him. "You are partners, Pol. You will attend class with her."

The red gryphon's ear tufts flick forward, then rotate backward. "This is ridiculous. I already know how to fly!" he exclaims, partly unfolding his wings.

Yalla hisses a warning, but Professor Valeron leans forward, fixing the red gryphon with a stern gaze. "But you've never flown with a human on your back, correct?"

Pol stills. "No," he replies tightly, drawing his wings in.

"Well, there you have it," Professor Valeron says, nodding. "Now, if you turn to the schedule, Herleva, you'll see that we've placed you and Pol in the beginner classes. Advancement will be at your wingleader's discretion, of course, but I have a feeling you will be catching up with your peers in no time."

I study the schedule: Flight class—five days a week, from eight to four, with half an hour for lunch. Saints, I spoke too soon. Stuck with children and an irascible gryphon for who knows how long.

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