Side Story ⑤: Fleet from afar

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Under the boundless azure canopy of the world, a magnificent fleet, seemingly plucked from the another world, sailed with grace and grandeur. It was the British 1st Southern Expedition & Survey fleet, a formidable armada comprised of 30 vessels, each bearing the proud emblem of their homeland, cutting through the waves with a determination.

Only days prior, the fleet had been greeted with warmth and gratitude by the denizens of the scattered islands they passed, a brief respite before their onward journey. Now, with sails billowing in the wind and spirits high, they set their course for their first destination: the illustrious City of Trapezon. This sprawling settlement, whispered about in tales shared by dwarves and locals alike, beckoned with promises of wealth and wonder.

Yet, the memory of a recent encounter lingered like a shadow upon the hearts of the fleet's crew. A skirmish with supposed pirates, although British forces emerged victorious they failed to unravel the mystery of their foes. Survivors were scarce, those few who remained either met their demise at the hands of the unforgiving natives or vanished beneath the relentless waves, leaving the fleet bereft of answers.

Nevertheless, undeterred by the specter of uncertainty, the British fleet pressed onward towards Trapezon. Though whispers of worry and doubt danced amongst the crew, their resolve remained steadfast, a testament to their unwavering commitment to their mission. Little did they know, however, that the shadows of their past encounter would cast a long and ominous pall over their journey, dragging them into yet another conflict.... 

1912, December 18th, 1:00 P.M

Warrior-class Armoured Cruiser, HMS Cochrane

Around the lookout post

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In the midst of the serene and picturesque world, stark reminder of dangers lurked among the sailors from the memories of previous pirate encounter and bloody wars Britain had intervened in. The sailors, vigilant and watchful, scanned the horizon with their binoculars and telescopes, ever wary of any signs of peril.

Amidst this watchful gaze, a young sailor noticed something peculiar in the sky ahead. Initially dismissing it as merely a bird, he couldn't ignore the growing number of similar figures gathering overhead. They seemed to be drawing nearer, their shapes becoming clearer against the blue expanse. Doubt gnawed at him as he turned to his companion.

"Johnes, would you mind casting your gaze in the same direction as mine? There seems to be something peculiar advancing. It may be merely a gathering of birds, but.. just in case mate."

"Of course," Johnes replied, peering through his own scope. After a moment, he spoke with a note of uncertainty. 

"That's... peculiar. Aren't they a bit too large for birds?

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