(16) First Kiss

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"I have already registered your fingerprints in the lock & you know the password." I said as we walked inside my apartment.
He cleared his throat, "Let me make something clear, I was forced to move in here because the culprit might break in."

As we walked through the front door, Gu-won grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Careful, Yeona!"
"Did the bastard already break in! What was he looking for to make such a mess?" He added.

He was shocked to see the mess  across the living room floor. Clothes, books, and random items lying on the floor.

I sighed & sat down on the couch, avoiding a pile of clothes, "I've been busy preparing for the wedding just sit wherever you find some space."
His eyebrows shot up in disbelief, "So your home usually looks like this?"
"Stop exaggerating, it's nice & comfy."
"Your wrist."

I extended my hand & he grabbed my wrist, the moment his hand touched my wrist, the cleaning process began. I watched in disbelief, it was as an invisible force went about tidying up the place and an invisible person was performing all the chores.

"This is what nice & comfy looks like. It's finally neat enough to be called a home." He leaned back on the couch.
"Pokémon, your powers are amazing! Oh, can we cook with this?"
"Forget it, don't be so lazy." He gave me a disapproving look and I just pouted.

I decided to make myself a cup of tea after taking a shower. Gu-won, having also showered, walked out of the bathroom wearing his night suit. Absentmindedly, I turned away and took a sip of tea.

"Are you going to sleep?" Gu-won asked.
"Yes, why is there something to do before that?"
Gu-won kept staring at me unable to respond and I realized what I just mindlessly blabbered out.
"Yes, you should sleep now, It's late." He said.
I shook my head, unable to meet his gaze, "Y...you're right, good night."

I hurried towards my bedroom & locked it. I threw myself on the bed, covering my face with a pillow to hide my embarrassment.
Why is there something to do before that? What the hell was I thinking when I said these words!?

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Gu-won's POV

As my eyes fluttered open, I realized . I had another dream from when I was a human but there was one image that stood out amongst everything—a woman's face. I was so close to seeing her face but then I woke up.

I stepped into the living room, there, at the kitchen table, sat Yeona, busy stuffing her mouth with cookies. Her hair, tousled and piled a messy bun. She turned towards me, "Good Morning!" she said it so innocently & cutely that it took all my willpower to hide my smile.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked.
"Having breakfast, what else." She replied, her voice muffled by the cookies in her mouth.
"You look like a mess." I grinned.
"What do you mean? Am I too pretty in the morning?"
"Yes." I quickly replied.
"I mean no absolutely not, you look like you got into a fight that lasted all night." I averted my gaze.
"I couldn't sleep well so I finally decided to get out of the bed & eat something." She replied.

I took my seat across from her.
"Do you want some?" She slid the plate towards me.
"No, a cup of instant coffee and I'm good." I smiled.
"Instant coffee? I don't have that."
"Why? And why are you up so early? It's the weekend."
"We have to catch the culprit."
"The wedding was way too hectic, Yeona. I insist on taking it easy today."
"But we'll be busy with work during weekdays."
"We don't even know the culprit's actual identity."
"I have a suspect maybe he's the real culprit behind the disguised one."
"Kang Jae-eun, Uncle Kang's son."

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