Chapter 31 - Instincts

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Chapter Notes:

Recap: The team finally reached the village and decided to split ways. While Qiu Cheng and Zi Shi are trying to assess the villagers' overall condition, Xiao Tian and Bai Feng took a more direct approach by investigating the mine itself. That was when the pair heard a mysterious rumble.

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The pair immediately became alert after hearing an eerie growl from the depths of the cavern.

"I'll go check, stay here Xiao Bai" the assassin muttered.

"I'm coming with you" insisted the informant.

"Did you two hear something?" the young miner quickly stole their attention.

"When we work at night, sometimes we could hear growling from deep within the cave. A few curious workers went to check but they never came back.. I don't think it's a good idea to—" the boy tried to warn the duo but Bai Feng gave a small smile.

"Once the workers here feel better, you can start guiding them to the entrance. Then I'll have to trouble you to find a certain doctor in the village to come help treat the miners. He wears a white robe just like me, his name is Chen Qiu Cheng. You should also tell him about what happened to your father, I'm sure he'll be of great help." the informant instructed.

"If you really heard the sound, please don't go. We lost so many people already and you are our hope to cure this disease. If we lose you too—" the boy seemed terrified.

"As for the sound you mentioned.. We didn't hear anything. We'll just quickly check out the rest of the area to see if there are any miners needing help and come back. Now can you help us find the doctor?" the cedar-haired man coaxed the child.

Once the young boy was out of sight, Xiao Tian began to lead the way, his sharp ears listening intently to the soft growling from deep within the cave.

"Never saw this soft side of you, do you like children Xiao Bai?" the assassin was brimming in curiosity.

"A child's heart is fragile. Us adults can take much more but we shouldn't break the spirit of a youngster. You saw how desperate he was to save his father, just a glimpse of hope could go a long way." the informant replied.

"Bai Feng Ge, I have a fragile heart too.. But you're always so cold to me" the assassin whined.

The informant simply looked at Xiao Tian in disbelief.

"I forgot how shameless you can be at times. Don't call me that."

"Bai Feng Xiong, how can you say that I'm shameless? I'm just telling the truth." the cheeky man teased, only to fall to deaf ears.

"Shi Xiong~" the assassin continued to whine, but this time Bai Feng felt a weird feeling in his gut.

"If you can't focus, I'll take the lead"

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