10 - August

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Jasmine's blue eyes light up like a bloody Christmas tree the moment her dessert comes out of the kitchen. I had Greg change the menu slightly just for her, as she couldn't decide between the sticky toffee pudding and the chocolate brownie, so I requested smaller portions of both, plus extra coconut ice cream. I eat my scoops of chocolate ice cream while she starts on hers.

"This is honestly one of the best meals I've ever had," Jasmine says in between bites. "Compliments to the chef, and your dad."

"I'll pass them along. Or you can come in and see Greg when we're done."

She narrows her eyes. "You'd let me behind the scenes? Right, this sounds weird, but I've always wanted to see what it's like behind the bar and upstairs, you know? Like, does your dad live upstairs?"

My lips curve up; she's too fucking adorable. When I told her about the whole her being my sunshine, I meant it. Somehow, she makes the world seem brighter with her bubbly personality and smile that lights up any room.

"Not all pub landlords do. Some rent out the flats above or turn them into hotel rooms or something. Just depends on what the landlord wants to do. My dad lives up there, yeah. Before I went to university, we lived in a flat in the village and rented the flat upstairs out to the first chef. After he moved on and I moved to uni, he sold up and moved in here. It's two bedrooms, so I have a place here if ever I want it."


"Been watching too many TV shows with pubs in, right?" I joke. "They make it seem romantic, but it's not. Some nights can get loud, otherwise, you just get used to it." I finish my ice cream. "I was wondering if you wanted to spend the afternoon together. You're off work, right? I'm not due in till tomorrow now."

She arches an eyebrow. "Don't you need sleep?"

I shrug. "Technically, yeah, but I'm doing the day shift tomorrow, so I need to adjust my sleeping pattern accordingly."

"So you did a night shift last night, one day off, and then work during the day? Sounds chaotic." She finishes her dessert and finishes her wine.

"It is what it is. My body just adapts. What shifts do you normally work? Normal nine to five?"

"Nine till seven most days; Thursdays and Saturdays we open an hour later. I work on Saturdays, but we're closed on Sundays and Mondays, so it's pretty nice. Except now, when I'm off sick for at least three weeks."

"Yeah, I can imagine that would not help with being a hairdresser."

"But in answer to your question, I'd love to spend the afternoon together. What do you have in mind?" she asks.

I trip on that because when I asked, I had no idea what to suggest. Racking my brains for something else date-like, I take a second. "We could watch a film at mine or yours?"

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