Chapter 26 - New Atomic Magic

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So there I was, chilling in this quiet random forest, sprawled out on the soft grass like I owned the place

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So there I was, chilling in this quiet random forest, sprawled out on the soft grass like I owned the place. Looking up at the sky, I let the freaking sun do its thing, sending those warm-as-hell rays through the leaves above. And holy crap, let me tell you, the air was buzzing with a mind-blowing load of magical circles – like seriously, hundreds of those purple bad boys in every freaking size you could imagine.

And guess what? Yours truly was the mastermind behind this insane magical light show. After all those freaking attempts, sleepless nights, and enough caffeine to power a small city, I'd finally cracked the damn code on Anos's badass fantasy magic. Like, who would've thought that the secret sauce was a mix of quantum physics and geometry? I sure as hell didn't, but there I was, pulling off this grand symphony of arcane art like a freaking last-boss.

Yep, you heard that right. Turns out, my past life obsession with all things science to counter Atomic Bombs wasn't in vain. Back in my old world, I went full-blown mad scientist, diving headfirst into the depths of quantum physics and mechanics. I'm talking about taking online Ph.D courses. in that stuff. You'd think I was building rockets or something, but nope – my goal was much more out there.

See, I'd always believed that magic, if it existed, had to have some sort of scientific basis. It couldn't just be all wands, spells, and sparkles.

So after I got summoned into this fantasy world – or should I say "woke up" in it? Anyway, I'm all hyped about getting to know the magical system here. But you know what's the most common thing? People are all about brute force and muscle. It's like their answer to everything is injecting mana into themselves and their stuff to smash things harder. It's a bit disappointing, to be honest. I mean, I expected a bit more finesse, you know?

I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the kind of magic I had always envisioned – intricate spells woven with elegance, each gesture a dance of energy, and every incantation a melodic whisper. But here, it seemed that finesse was a foreign concept. Magic was treated like a battering ram, a damn bludgeon to smash through obstacles.

But then, there's suddenly my little bro Anos who skipped all the fucking unskippable cutscenes and literally jumped straight from mom's ass all the way to a final-boss-level character in 3 seconds. This dude is something else. And the best part? His magic actually makes sense to me. It's like he's got this knack for blending magic with some good old science. I can vibe with that.

Anos doesn't just go around smashing things with mana like a damn Hulk. He's got this whole sophisticated thing going on with his magic. It's all about manipulation, precision, and complexity. It's like he's an artist crafting spells with layers upon layers of intricate details.

Honestly, discovering Anos's fantasy magic was a game-changer for me. Suddenly, I'm not the only one who's all about mixing brains with magic. I got super excited and maybe a tad crazy about trying to replicate his style. I started obsessively studying the 'magical circles' that appeared the few times he used his fantasy magic while I was around – these crazy intricate patterns that make my head spin.

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