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        Hello lovely readers.

    I want to sincerely thank each one of you for your time reading my story. I consider myself an artist above all else, and writing is just another art to me.

    In the Shadows is a story that has been with me for over a decade. It is immensely important to me. I hope by the end of this book, you all might understand why.

    In the most rudimentary sense, this is a love story. But there is much more to the story and to each of these characters. They develop individually, but like people outside the pages, our relationships can shape us in all kinds of ways. Good or bad.

    On that note, it is important to me that each of you go forward reading this with caution if you are sensitive to certain material. I have added content warning on the chapters that include topics such as self harm and sexual assault. These are not topic added for dramatic effect. I don't want to spoil parts of the story, but it is much more important to me that my readers are mindful of their well being. If these topics are hard, you may want to skip the chapters with the warnings in the beginning.

     I promise the ending is good.

     Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments you would like to share privately.

        If you are struggling with your mental health, there are resources available to help you. And good help is so important.
There is no shame in your feelings or struggles. There is no shame in needing help.
You are worth helping. You deserve a long, beautiful, life.

National Mental Health Hotline: 866-903-3787


Moving forward; this coming of age story follows a teenage girl, Stephanie, her struggle to find her voice, and the people she meets along the way that shape the rest of her life.

As I said before, this is a story I hold close to my heart. Beginning to write this story was cathartic to me. Becoming brave enough to share my work was something else entirely. I told myself, "if just twelve people I don't know read my work, I'll call it a success." Each day, the numbers grow more than I could have dreamt. (I do a happy dance each time)

If I could go back in time and tell myself younger self anything, I would tell her to keep going. Keep writing, keep drawing, keep creating and believing.

Nothing is quite as far out of reach as you might think. Find the good in life, and in yourself; then see what you can do.

Happy reading,

In the Shadows Where stories live. Discover now