Part Sixteen: the Grill

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All the lights were off in the house when we pulled in the drive way. No one was home I suppose. Anthony decided to sit in the car for a while longer. My family used to go on lots of road trips, in addition to moving around the country. After having spent so much time in the car, I never thought I would feel so comfortable camped out in a vehicle for almost the whole day. Being with Anthony made it easier. He made everything feel easy.

"I had a great day." Anthony said.

"Me, too." And I really did mean it. It almost didn't matter where we were, just being together made it fun. I felt a warmth in my chest as I thought about how content I was at the moment.

Anthony squeezed the steering wheel, digging his thumbnail into the leather, "And Steph, I'm really sorry about earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"When Monica showed up... I shouldn't have gotten like that. I'm not a rude person, I promise. She can just be..."

"A bitch?" I laughed. He smiled, leaning back into his chair with relief. "I'm not sure what crawled up her butt and died, but she might actually be the worst."

Anthony chuckled. He had a beautiful laugh.

"I never understood why Jenny hung out with her. The only reason she's been hanging around is because she's been off and on with Brett for so long."

I felt a weird tinge as I replied, "What about Sara?"

Oh, my god. Why did I just say that? I'm so embarrassed...

"Sara?" His expression was serious. "What about her?"

I started picking at my nails, nervous to answer. I did really want to know. I hadn't thought about my fight with Monica until we saw her earlier. It doesn't seem above her to make something like that up just to be mean, but Sara seemed genuinely upset that day. We talked briefly about the other people in our lives, something Anthony made abundantly clear that meant nothing to him. Nonetheless, there was a sharp burning in my throat at the thought of Anthony with another girl.

"Steph." He gathered my attention. "Whatever Monica said, probably isn't true. Okay?"

I nodded, still feeling a bit jealous. I wanted to press more.

    He placed his hand on my knee, gently squeezing, "Want to wait with me until your parents get back?"

    "No, it's okay. They leave the back door unlocked."

    "Alright. But turn the lights on when you get inside. I won't go until I know you're in there safe." He got out of the car, walking around in the blue light of the evening to open my door. Stepping out, I looked up at the sky. All signs of the earlier rain had vanished into the distance. The sunset was hidden behind distant hills, but the radiant orange beams cast a pinkish glow on everything in sight. Even Anthony's hazel eyes encapsulated the romantic rainbow.

    Running his fingers through my hair, Anthony pulled my head towards his for a kiss goodbye. He broke the seal of our kiss for a moment, my tongue tingled with anticipation as I felt his breath on my lips.

    "Good night, darling." His deep voice charged me with electricity. "Call me later, okay?"

    "Okay." I nodded, biting my lip to taste his kiss for a moment longer.

    I followed the gravel path that ran around the side of my short craftsman style home. The rocky steps were almost completely dark in the shade of overgrown shrubs. Overhead, I heard a mourning dove cooing in its nest. Swinging open the splintered wood gate, I was suddenly coughing on the heavy smell of smoke from the barbecue grill. Whatever was cooking, was burning.

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