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A jolt passed through her as Ilario took a step closer. It felt as if each tiny hair on her body stood up, waiting for the next moment with bated breath.

He stopped only a couple of inches from her and lifted a hand to her shoulder.

"Wh-what are you..."

He lifted the scarf carelessly thrown across her shoulders and brought it in front so it covered her from neck down.

"Milan isn't safe for women dressed provocatively at night." He murmured in that soft accent of his, taking a step back.

He thinks I dress provocatively? For god's sake, my cleavage is hardly showing. Now he is objecting to my clothes?

Tanya was unnerved. With his feather light touch everything she was going to say flew right out of her head and all she could think of was how to extricate herself from this weird situation. A strange sensation was flooding though her and it scared her.

"It-it has been a long day." She mumbled, slowly edging towards the door. "I will see you tomorrow."

She turned towards the door and pressed her access card to the card reader panel.

"Wait." She spun around. What now?

Then she saw her bag dangling from his fingers.


She stretched her hand to get the bag, but he didn't move. Cursing, she made herself walk back to him, trying not to notice how his lips quirked almost imperceptibly.

It's a power play, he is enjoying this! She thought with gritted teeth.

She came to stand about a foot from him and stretched her hand again. "Thank you."

Instead of transferring the bag, he dropped his hand and asked, "How are you going home?"

"Huh? Oh, I am gonna take the Metro."

He frowned, "At this hour?"

"It's not that late."

"Hmm." Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked towards the door. Opening it with his card, he halted, "Aren't you coming?"

Tanya was rooted to her spot.

What was he playing at?

As she reached him, putting one hand on the small of her back, he ushered her out, to the bank of lifts on the far side of the floor. Every step she took, she was hyper aware of his fingers resting at the curve of her waist, how solid they seemed, how warm.

They stood quietly in the elevator, his hands by his sides, holding her bag. The silence continued as they crossed the vast foyer to the entrance where a sleek posh looking car was waiting for them.

A low whistle passed her lips. "Sweet ride. What kind of car is this?" She couldn't help but ask.

His face broke into an unexpected grin. "You like it?"

"Like it? It's like... wow!"

"Are you a car enthusiast?"

"Not at all." She grinned back. "But my brother is. His interest has rubbed off on me and now I know the good ones from the not-so-good-ones."

His grin widened, showing the even pearly whites. Tanya stared at him mesmerized. His face totally transformed from the brooding business man to a cute handsome guy.

And he has a dimple!

"That's one way of putting it I guess." He said, pulling open the passenger door for her. "This is a Bugatti Veyron."

"Oh, that is expensive." She climbed inside and promptly let out a moan at the divine softness of the leather seat. "Oh this is a dream."

The inside of the car was as dreamy as the outside and she just couldn't help admiring it. So caught up was she in her admiring that she forgot to exercise caution in her next remark.

"For your taste in cars, and letting me ride in a Bugatti, I forgive you being a douche to me."

Ilario looked at her sharply, all traces of humour gone from his face and belatedly she slapped a hand across her mouth, her eyes wide with the realization of the blunder she just committed.

He put the car in ignition and they zoomed away from the building without another word.

Tanya held herself stiffly while he continued zig zagging through the traffic without a word. Ilario was so mercurial. If he was going to be offended by such silly remarks, then their conversation was doomed. Tanya was known for often putting her foot in her mouth.

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