ballad, part 1.

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Sanique's sitting in Glee Club, dreading the new assignment of the week she definitely won't have time to work on and probably not even end up performing. To her left sits Quinn, who is leaning on Finn's arm wrapped around her shoulder. To her right, Santana pretends to tie her own shoelaces when she's secretly tying Sanique's left and right laces together.

"Ballad. From Middle English, balade. Who knows what this word means?" Mr. Schue asks the Glee Club.

"It's a male duck." Brittany chimes in. Mr. Schue ignores the clearly wrong answer and calls on the only other person raising their hand.


"A ballad is a love song." He answers.

"Sometimes, but they don't always express love. Ballads are stories set to music—which is why they're the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can't get out any other way." Mr. Schue explains, "Okay, now, sectionals are in a few weeks and there's a new rule this year - we have to perform... a ballad."

"Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir Committee finally paid off!" says Rachel in an excited manner.

"Okay. So here's our assignment for the week: I'm going to pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look them right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it." Mr. Schue instructs.

"I pick Quinn." Finn announces. Of course.

"No, no, no. Too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate." Mr. Schuester reveals, making the group chant 'oooh'. Sanique looks to Quinn next to her, hoping fate puts them together.

"Ooh, yeah. I put all your names in this hat. Whoever you choose is your partner."

"I bet the duck's in the hat." Brittany says out of the blue.

"Since we're an odd number, I guess I'll just have to put my name in the hat for now," He compromises, beginning to do a drumroll on his lap. "Who's up first?"

Puck goes first, "Mercedes."

"Quinn." says Artie. Sanique sighs in disappointment.

She walks over to the hat, picking out a paper. "Matt."

Finn is up next, "Kurt," He says, making the class laugh. "Mr. Schue, I don't know if I can do this with another guy."

"The fates have spoken, Finn." Mr. Schue shrugs.

Tina, "Other Asian."

Santana, "Brittany." She reads excitedly, skipping over to sit next to her.

"Yay! No way." Brittany cheers.

"How fitting."

Everyone turns to look at Rachel, whose name was the only one left in the hat, "Looks like I get you, Mr. Schue."

"Uh.. you know what? Maybe we could just make a group of 3." Mr. Schuester suggests warily.

"The fates talked, Mr. Schue." Finn jokes.

"Would you mind clarifying what kinds of songs you want us to sing?" Artie adds.

"Why don't you let Mr. Schuester and I demonstrate," Rachel tells him confidently. "Brad, Endless Love in B-flat, please. It's my favorite duet."

"I really don't think that's an appropriate song, Rachel." The teacher advises.

"Why? It's a great song, and it's a perfect ballad."

"Yeah. I really like that song, Mr. Schue." Finn continues to tease.

Endless Love performed by Rachel Berry and Will Schuester

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