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Sanique's winter break with Quinn Fabray was.. eventful, so to speak.

In the early days, Quinn was the ideal roommate in the way Sanique wouldn't even notice she was there — besides the every so often pregnancy craving grocery runs. Yes, their schedules did overlap, considering they stayed inside most of the day, and they would go together to the Glee Breadstix meetings, but they operated as ghosts when alone together.

As the time went on, however, it was the little things that began to bring the two girls closer. As small as Sanique bringing frozen lemonade home after her shifts and Quinn one upping her bringing home Chinese — the brunette's favourite.

Soon enough, the two would find themselves around each other more than not. They'd wake up at the same time, brush their teeth together, complain about the cold water after one takes a long shower, attend church together, and take Semaj to his Winter Math-A-Thons.

Quinn would even start getting suspicious when the house lacked Sanique's presence for too long. On some nights, she'd watch as she snuck out of the house and go next door to do God knows what with Santana. She couldn't even stand the thought.

Although the air mattress Sanique spent her nights laying on gave her constant back pain, she wouldn't trade her winter break for the world. She hoped Quinn felt the same.

So imagine the brunette's disappointment when the progression of their friendship gets rudely interrupted by the Fabray's new boytoy, Noah Puckerman, who had wore her down with flowers and a stupid bobblehead of himself on the last day of their time off.

She's currently sitting alone in the backseat of Quinn's car as she listens to the couple fight about yet another girl he set his sights on.

"You can't anchor me down.. I'm the Puckasaurus!"

"And I'm pregnant!" Quinn bites back from the passenger seat.

"What does that have to do with me?" He yells, his hands leaving the steering wheel so he can flail them around like an idiot. I can't believe I was friends with this guy.

"Are you slow?"

Sanique tunes out of the conversation by then, leaning her head on the window and counting down the seconds until they arrive at McKinley.

But even when she's walking the halls desperately trying to avoid the sight of Quinn and Puck, the universe will always make sure she catches an unfortunate glimpse of them.

That afternoon, when she's dragged to one of Finn's twice-a-week basketball games by Mercedes and Kurt for some odd reason, the couple just had to be there. Sanique didn't even know he was on the team.

The blonde even dares to kiss his sweaty face after they lose 103-12, and Sanique can't help but pull a disgusted face.

She accidentally makes eye contact with Finn mid-grimace, who smirks goofily at her.

It takes a lot to get the Quinn and Puck image out of her head, but Sanique musters up the strength to return the smile.


It's the first Glee session of 2010, and Mr. Schue welcomes the group with a big ol' Hello written on the whiteboard. He points at the drawing, "Hello!"

Nobody responds, instead just looking at the teacher in confusion.

"Helloooo?" He repeats, gesturing for the students to copy him.

They halfheartedly oblige, minus Rachel, who repeats "Hello" with her chest.

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" Mr. Schue asks.

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