Chapter 18: Into The Forests

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Chapter 18: Into The Forests

July 10th, 2053

Southeast Duremar Plains, Town of Girshan

The wyvern attack on Girshan was not an isolated incident. There were similar attacks reported all throughout southeast Duremar. Luckily, the Rontak Empire put a halt to their scorched earth tactics once they began encountering American rescue teams. They must have retreated once they realized the US was already in the area.

Daniel and the 4th Deep Recon Team spent the rest of the day yesterday helping Baron Rentho and the townspeople recover from the attack. They also, of course, made sure that all the former slaves were released and treated fairly. They got new orders to go deeper into enemy territory and scout out the origin of the scorched earth attacks. But they had to wait for their 'diplomatic liaison' to arrive from Fort Roanoke.

The Rontak Princess was going with them, hopefully to broker a ceasefire if the opportunity presented itself. With any luck, they could avoid another massacre like when they first came through the portal. But if not, Lieutenant General Reed was preparing for a full scale assault on the enemy.

Daniel and Liv were discussing the logistics of sending humanitarian aid to Girshan with Baron Rentho at what remained of the town's farms. They soon heard the familiar sound of an approaching helicopter. A Chinook escorted by four ACD-37s, a variant of light combat drone specialized for aerial combat, set down on the road leading into the town.

Wind from the rotors died down as the pilots powered down the engines. Baron Rentho and Liv went with him to greet the Princess, along with a couple of droids. The rear door opened and two people stepped out.

"It's good to see you again," Liv said with a smile.

"Likewise. Though I believe reintroductions are in order, since I am no longer your prisoner." She paused before continuing in a regal tone. "I am Princess Maribelle Rontus, second in line to the throne of the Rontak Empire and founder of the Order of the Dragon. This is Commander Ralva of the Water Dragon division."

"It is an honor to welcome you to our humble town, Princess," Baron Rentho said.

"I trust the Americans have treated you and your people well, Baron?" Ralva asked.

"Oh, they're the most gracious soldiers I've ever met," Baron Rentho explained. "They haven't taken any of our food or demanded any tribute at all for protecting us from the wyvern attack. They've even helped us repair some of the damage."

"That's quite unusual, but not disappointing," Maribelle said. "Thank you," she said to Daniel.

"We're just doing our job," he replied. "Princess, Commander, if you'll please follow us to the Rhinos, we'll get on our way."

"Good. The sooner we put a stop to these senseless attacks, the better," Maribelle said.

"You are welcome to return any time, Daniel Ramirez," Baron Rentho called after them.

As they walked to the vehicles, they passed Elmot who was tinkering with the archwood branch he took earlier.

"You have an elven mage with you? I thought only humans lived in your world?" Maribelle inquired.

"Elmot is a former slave we rescued. His insight into magic has been invaluable to us," Daniel answered.

"So your people are interested in magic after all?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, you could say that," Daniel replied. "You should go talk to David, he's our resident physicist. He's going nuts over magic."

For the Princess of a militaristic and expansionist regime, Maribelle didn't seem so bad. She seemed to genuinely care about her people. Given her role in previous hostilities, she was surprisingly cooperative. He hoped she would continue to be as forthcoming on the recon mission. Hopefully she would continue to be an asset, rather than a liability. But if not, they'd be ready. He made sure to put Maribelle and Ralva in his Rhino so that he could keep an eye on them; and so that they could advise him when they reached the Kashir Forest.

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