Chapter 19: Negotiations

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Chapter 19: Negotiations

July 11th, 2053

Capital City of Ronta, Imperial Palace

Emperor Rontus sat in a chair staring into the fireplace, lost in thought. He was in his private study with Legatus Vislex discussing the American crisis. A portrait of the Emperor hung over the fireplace on the wall to the left of the door. Bookshelves lined the walls with various ancient scrolls and manuscripts from across the continent.

The room was lit by a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and by windows looking out over the city. Across from the fireplace was a spacious desk for the Emperor, where he kept his ink and writing implements. Next to his desk, he had his own private mana comm station.

There was a knock at the door. "Enter," the Emperor said automatically.

Lord Tanalus came in. "Your Majesty, we have just received a report from General Ulmok in the Kashir Forest. He has news of the Princess."

That caught the Emperor's attention. He immediately got out of his chair and asked for details.

"She was captured by the Americans at Rontak's Reach, but she was not a prisoner for long. She went through the portal to meet with the American President on your behalf, sire. She managed to lay the groundwork for negotiating a peace treaty with the United States."

"That's..." Emperor Rontus could hardly believe his ears. Not only was his daughter okay, thank Gwuardon, but she had done a great service to the Rontak Empire, and not for the first time, either. All he could manage to say was, "That's... good news."

"When she learned of the Prince's actions, through the Americans, she rushed back to the Kashir Forest and arranged a temporary truce with the United States."

"A truce?" Emperor Rontus asked curiously.

"Yes, Your Majesty. All hostilities have ceased for the moment. She also sent us all the information she managed to learn about them."

He couldn't believe his ears. Everything he saw in his vision pointed to a bloodthirsty kingdom of savages. Sophisticated savages to be sure, but savages nonetheless. And yet they seemed to want peace?

"Bring me her report immediately," he commanded. "And convene the House of Lords. They will need to elect a delegation to speak on their behalf. Make haste, Lord Tanalus, this is of the utmost importance."

"At once, Your Majesty," Tanalus replied with a bow. He left to carry out the Emperor's will.

"Vislex, summon my private counsel. We must settle on a diplomatic strategy to deal with the United States. And make sure they are made aware of everything we know about them so far."

"Of course, Your Majesty," he replied.

The initial negotiations would of course fall to Princess Maribelle and General Ulmok. They were already in the Kashir Forest ready to maintain the truce. But he and the House of Lords would send an official delegation to represent their interests.

Their usual negotiating position was reversed. Instead of having the upperhand over the opposing kingdom, they were now woefully outclassed. What were the Americans hoping to gain from a truce? It was possible that this was all a trick; deceitful maneuvering to gain an edge, or perhaps take high profile hostages. Either way, he had much work before him.

July 11th, 2053

Somewhere Above the Rontak Empire

Prince Cevlion was fuming. Who did these little knights think they were? He was the Crown Prince! How dare they assault him and treat him this way. Enough was enough. He wouldn't tolerate this insolence any longer.

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