ch. 16 • you are mine

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Without you, I am nothing.

I smiled at the memory, one that occurred a mere 9 hours ago. Laurie sounded so genuine and earnest— she appeared so anxious and scared. She was a blushing, babbling mess, apologizing unnecessarily.

Rin would be disappointed in how quickly my resolve was worn down. I allowed Laurie into my home, into my arms, and into my bed.

And she was still here, her arm thrown over my torso, pressed up against my body. Possessive even during slumber. Little snores popped out from the area of my shoulder, where she was nestled into my armpit.

When I first saw her yesterday, my already shattered heart broke yet again. The bags under her eyes were pronounced, her hair was ragged, and she truly looked haggard and exhausted. Once we ate dinner and went to bed, she collapsed against me and instantly knocked out.

Her story, to the naked eye, would be considered flippant and suspicious. But to me, someone who spent 9 months becoming in tune with this woman— she was being truthful. Honesty comes easy to Laurie when it pertains to me. She protects me viciously, to a fault. It makes perfect sense that she would hide what happened from me— and it was definitely plausible for her ex to pull the stunt she pulled.

I saw the look in her eyes when she recognized me. Sly, deviant, and coy. At the time, I believe it was due to her thinking she 'won' Laurie's attention— but it was her narcissism and a faulty conclusion built on delusion.

Laurie stirred, whining and nuzzling into my breast. My giggles turned into a gasp as I felt her lips around my nipple. It was her turn to laugh, an equally cute and evil little sound. I jerked away and huffed, flipping onto my side.

"So dramatic, my darling," she mumbled. Her hand snaked its way across my hip, grabbing ahold of my inner thigh.

She curved her body around mine, a perfect puzzle fit. I felt her slow breathing against my neck as it blew against my baby hairs. Laurie feathered kisses against my shoulder as her fingertips lightly danced across my tummy and hip.

"You're the devil," I commented cheekily, bumping my ass backwards against her.

She breathed out a small laugh. "It astounds me, how weak I am."

Perplexed, I moved to face her. "Explain?"

"This was the first night I have slept more than 4 hours since our incident."

"It had that much of an effect on you, too?" It hurt to hear, but my tears were more of happiness. Knowing that she hurt as much as I did, that I meant as much to her as she to me.

"'You see, until I met you,'" she began softly. "'I had only ever experienced desire. Love, never.'"

My heart jumped and I smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. "Aren't you so poetic?"

"It is a quote," she confessed sheepishly. "From a French novel of love letters. Maybe I will read it to you, one day."

"I hope you understand...My hesitancy."

"Of course, mon cheri. Any amount of time you need. I will be here, rain or shine."

I really did not want to regret admitting my love for Laurie. Though she technically confessed first, in her own way— the actions of our past, the possessiveness and vindictive attitude, were not lost to me. We had both been toxic to one another. It needed to feel right, I just needed more time.

"I can hear you thinking, my darling," Laurie murmured, pressing her lips to my forehead. "Please, do not overthink. I am just happy to be allowed in your presence."

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