ch. 22 • found family

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AN: in the comment on this line is a list of translations.

A savory scent, laced with garlic and herbs, dragged me from my slumber. With a small groan, I lifted myself out of the bed and padded to the bathroom for relief. As I passed by the bedroom door, the clanging of cookware and French curses alerted me to my girlfriend's predicament.

"Bless her," I chuckled.

Hands washed, teeth brushed, I fumbled around the closet for a long shirt, anything to combat the chill in the air. Nothing. I sighed and grabbed an old button up, slipping my arms into the sleeves. I left it unbuttoned, showcasing my briefs and barely hiding my braless chest.

My socked feet led me along a familiar path in a familiar place. I knew more about Laurie's flat than I did mine. There was nothing there but old memories, regardless.

Laurie was flitting around her kitchen, anxious and confused. "Où est-ce? Puttain."

"What are you looking for, honey?" I leaned against the counter, eyebrows raised.

She looked up at me and began to speak, but froze. Her mouth stayed ajar as her voice died in the recesses of her throat. She looked me up and down and her cheeks flushed.

"Your lover is looking for her Creuset, ma belle biche," an amused, heavily accented, definitely embarrassingly familiar voice piped up from behind me.

A sharp pang of terror flashed through me.

"Hi, Antoinette," I mumbled, glaring at Laurie. Her eyes widened and she shrugged, exasperated.

"You have quite a beautiful figure, Mackenzie. Where have you been hiding it?"

"Ant, tais toi," Laurie warned, squinting.

"Fais-moi," she retorted.

I snickered and wandered back to the bedroom. Right before I shut the door to change, I could hear Mrs. LeBlanc ask:

"Why are you so red? Since when do you get embarrassed?"

With immense difficulty, I swallowed my laughter and started my hunt for more clothing. The door creaked open and Laurie's light footsteps approached. Her hands grazed from my hips to my belly, pulling me back towards her.

"How sad she is here," she murmured gruffly, her lips barely touching the skin of my shoulder. "I would have loved to see you like this all day...a truly Merry Christmas."

"You keep your hands to yourself, ma'am," I reprimanded. "We've got company."

She tickled up my tummy, nipping at the nape of my neck. "She would understand, my pretty girl. You would just need to be quiet." Laurie chuckled, sending shivers down my spine. "Or not."

"Someone is at the door," Antoinette called out. "Or do you want me to get it, espèce de cochon?"

"More?" I inquired with hesitancy threaded through my teeth. "Who else?"

"They were not supposed to be here for another 2 hours. Imagine, the one time they are early it is when I ask them to be late," Laurie complained, stomping her foot lightly.

"Let me get dressed. Shoo, go play hostess."

Laurie whined as I shooed her away. I flipped through the closet until I found a decent outfit, pondering my choices. The voices in the living room were cacophonous, but beguiling. Laughter rang out across the apartment from multiple people. My pulse sped up and I wiped my suddenly sweaty palms against my jeans.

Who the fuck could it be?

I tucked my shirt into my jeans and smoothed it out. Part of me was inclined to listen at the door, a timid curiosity fanning the flame. The other part was yelling at the first one about being an insolent child.

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