Chapter 9: Back to Divine Sword Sect

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Once morning arrived, Luo Xue slowly woke up to the sounds of rustling leaves. In the courtyard, the willow tree by the window swayed, scattering its leaves as the gentle breeze blew. Sunlight pierced through the paper windows, casting soft shadows on the ground. The scent of medicinal herbs had dissipated overnight, leaving only traces of incense in the air.

Luo Xue sat up, feeling drowsy. Without thinking, she reached for her sword, only to realise it wasn't there next to the pillow. With a sigh, she pulled the blanket away and got up, making her way towards the nearby mirror.

Standing before a mirror, a basin of water, fresh towels, and clean clothes were placed neatly on the table. Without delay, Luo Xue quickly washed up and changed. Once she was done, her ribbon, which had been lazing around on her pillow, flew over and neatly tied up her hair. Her ribbon's unexpected thoughtfulness made her chuckle.

As Luo Xue stepped out of the room, she was greeted by a maidservant patiently waiting for her. Then, with careful hands, she served Luo Xue a steaming bowl of tonic, which Luo Xue downed in a single gulp. When Luo Xue handed her the empty bowl, she asked, "Do you know where I can find Xiao Yu?"

The maidservant replied, "Answering to Miss Luo, my young lady is at Peony Courtyard. Allow this servant to lead you there."

As Luo Xue got closer, she could faintly hear the voices of two people engaging in a heated argument — one with a low, intimidating tone, and the other with a high-pitched indignation.

"Dad, please. Give me the opportunity to become a cultivator."

"No," Pei Guang refused. "Are you hoping to make the whole family worried sick about you again?"

"But dad, you're not listening to me." Pei Yufeng continued, "Having gone through so much, I now understand just how crucial it is for me to have the strength to keep us safe. Not only that, should I become a successful cultivator, the problem of our family's weak bloodline will be resolved by me. I can at least accomplish something for our family."

"No. Absolutely not. Whatever you hope to achieve can only be done if you survive. It's too dangerous and I will not risk your life."

Pei Yufeng insisted, "Dad! I'm being completely serious. You know I can't keep depending on you forever."

At this point, Pei Guang had lost both his patience and interest in listening to Pei Yufeng. He turned away from her, wanting to leave, when Pei Yufeng suddenly took hold of his arm to prevent him from leaving. In a fit of anger, he threw her off, but thankfully, Luo Xue caught her in time. When he saw Luo Xue had arrived, a look of surprise crossed his face before embarrassment quickly took over. Without saying a word to them, he stormed off.

Pei Yufeng stood frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just happened. She couldn't believe her dad, who had always cherished her, would act with such anger and dismiss her like that. On the verge of tears, she glanced at Luo Xue, determined to regain her composure. She apologised, forcing a smile that appeared graceful.

"I'm sorry for letting you witness something so unsightly."

Luo Xue shook her head, smiling softly. "It's fine. It isn't your fault."

As though her words had impacted her, Pei Yufeng burst into tears.

Pei Yufeng snivelled, "...For a long time, it has been a lingering thought in my mind, one that I hesitated to speak about. Seeing you defeat those enemies gave me the courage to pursue cultivation, as well as the determination to carve a path of my own."

Listening to her earnest words, Luo Xue used her sleeve to dry Pei Yufeng's tears. She asked, "If you do cultivate, what do you want to achieve after that?"

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