❁Chapter Two❁

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My head is pounding.

Is it bad that I woke up on the floor to some random guy's mansion? Well not that random, I obviously know the guy but I refuse to speak to him because he's a massive dick. I now lay on the couch in Tatum Chamber's living room with a huge headache. The only thing that makes me feel better is the fact that I now have plans with Katy and Maria. Thank god.

Tatum Chambers has a party every weekend at his daddy's mansion. He uses that time to show off the cars he "owns" to every girl he can. His ego is bigger than my headache right now. And that says something.

I can't stand him and from what I know, he can't stand me either. The only reason he invites me to his stupid parties is because of my instagram followers. To my followers, we're best friends who love collaborating every weekend. The only reason I actually show up is because he is practically tik tok famous. Every weekend we post videos and pictures together and exchange thousands of followers. Does that make me superficial? Probably.

I wasn't planning on sleeping over to Tatum's, I can't even remember the last thing I did last night. And from the looks of it, I'm the only one. I sit up on my elbows and look around the living room full of trash. Fuck, it's just me. I squint from the bright sun shining through his large ass windows. Who needs windows that big? And how can I quietly sneak out of here? Maybe I should try to find advil first.

Before I get up, I take a selfie of myself lying on Tatum's couch with empty bottles and confetti next to me. This when I realize how much of a state I'm in. My short blonde hair in knots, eyes puffy and stained pink dress. I really hope it's not vomit.

I'm not worried about the fact I'm only 17 and posting videos of my drinking, my followers think I'm 20. In my defense Tatum's parties are the only parties I drink at, it helps drown out his annoying ass voice.

I go into instagram and go into my influencer account: @ ConnieHill26. I press post on the selfie with the description: What a sweet boy @ ChambersTatum is for letting me sleep at his place after the best party ever. I cringe.

I slowly get off the couch, trying not to topple over. I grab my purse from off the floor and silently try and tiptoe to the kitchen with my stilettos. I have to step over empty glasses and cans on my way. What a dump. Tatum better clean this up before his daddy finds out.

I look through the kitchen cabinets for advil or some kind of medicine, but there are nothing but shattered dishes. Holy shit what happened last night?

"What are you doing?" A voice startles me from behind. I spin around. Speak of the devil. Tatum stands there, smirking for some reasons, still dressed up from last night.

"Oh my god, you scared me." I say with my hand to my heart.

"I heard your heels," He says looking down at my silver stilettos. I slide them off with an eye roll and hold them in my hand, bare feet on the hardwood. He continues, "And got the notification from your instagram post. I don't remember allowing you to stay over last night. But glad to hear you think I'm a sweet boy."

I scoff. Clearly my head wasn't thinking straight. I say right to his face; "This place looks like a shithole, you should probably get cleaning before your daddy finds out his precious child is a troublemaker. Seriously, why is everything broken?"

He glances around to admire the mess, "I've had worse. Plus, I just hire someone to do it for me."

"That's shallow" I say, rubbing my forehead. "Do you have advil?"

He chuckles. What a douchebag.

"Yeah follow me." He replies. I follow him slowly to the hall.

"For the record, I didn't mean to stay over. I would have loved to wake up hungover in my soft and comfy bed, instead of your cold hardwood floor." My saucy mouth gets a hold of me.

❀ ✽TO - DO - LIST✽❀ (Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ